Monday, August 8, 2011

These Next Few Days Get Interesting Folks!

August 9th finds two planets with unpredictable natures in contact with each other, so anything goes on this day! Be flexible and have a Plan A and a Plan B so that time and/or energy is not lost. The USA finds the issue of money being activated, and the next few days are likely to see some swings in the financial markets.
A day later (August 10th) Mars joins forces with Pluto, which is sure to add a sense of urgency and pressure to address a possible crisis of sorts. Earth related incidents are worth noting, as would an accident of huge proportions.
August 17th Mars crosses the Solar Eclipse degree of July 1st and for those with a 7-12 degree Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and/or Libra sensitive point this date could be a "trigger" point to activating the Eclipse. The USA has such a point (the Sun) and is potentially under the gun in terms of an event.
Astrologically speaking, these few days in mid August stand out among the entire year. Heat is associated with all three planets so expect to see "heat" being expressed in many forms...and at this time of year storms are another possibility.


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