Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Has Your Mood Been Sober (Depressing) Lately?

Saturn, the "task master" planet of the zodiac, has been the highest degree planet for a while, and with the exception of a handful of days in between, it will remain the highest degree planet until October 5th. This may come as bad news for some, however there are ways to work with this so that we may benefit from it. On the down side we could feel as if we are "stuck" and getting no where, or we could feel as if life has lost its rosy glow. On the plus side we could recognize that our actions now have karmic implications that could last beyond this lifetime.

Saturn may not seem like your best friend at times, but indeed it "has your back" as far as your long term welfare is concerned. Rather than see Saturn as limiting you (for whatever reason) consider what limitations you need to place on yourself, because this is really Saturn's teach us self limitations. Are you disciplined enough? Are you willing to work hard and remain committed? Are you willing to wait for what it is you really want? Answer in the affirmative and success lies ahead. Answer in the negative and you'll get more of the same.

The "karmic" aspect of Saturn focuses our attention on relationships of all kinds, and we may find that they demand more of us now than they have in 30 years. We have until October to set the record straight, as this opportunity does not come by often. This is a time in life when it is NOT about "me" but rather about what you can do for others. The reward you will gain will put a "gold star" on your karmic legacy.


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