Time to focus on what you want for the coming year!
The Sun rotates through the year in cycles that are commonly associated with calendars that run from January through December; however in astrology these cycles run from the Aries New Moon through the Pisces New Moon. The progression of time marks each season, each very different from the others. This progression of time shifts in planetary terms, allowing a pattern to repeat every nineteen years. This means that the approaching New Moon and those that follow will "echo" issues that you experienced nineteen years ago.
Does this mean we are predestined to repeat the same experience? The answer lies in choice (Free Will) and we have the power to change our course through conscious effort. This does not exclude Divine Will, and what God has in mind may very well be a mystery. However for the sake of this article we are focusing on what we CAN do to change our lives for the better, and one tool that may help are the phases of the Sun and the Moon. Each new cycle starts with a New Moon, which lasts approximately 29 days.
The Pisces New Moon falls under what is called the Balsamic Moon in the annual cycle, and this cycle is about "releasing and letting go" as well as preparing for the year ahead. The Balsamic phase is symbolic of an "incubator" and underneath the surface lies new life forming, waiting to be unleashed at the Aries New Moon (April 10th) and the months thereafter. This concept may require an imaginative mind, but great feats in life always start with a dream, even against occasional odds. This concept is the basis of many stories that have permeated all cultures throughout time.
So, this means that our "dream" for the year ahead lies in what we do with the next 30 days or so, and it is crucial to know exactly what you want rather than on what you don't want. Another possibility, often chosen, is not doing anything and allowing random to occur. But even this choice reflects the energies we expressed and eventually get back as the year unfolds. This is a cycle for clearly projecting your dreams, perhaps through affirmation and prayer, and when repeated over and over a "signal" is emitted for the Angelic Kingdom to hear. Another way of expressing this is "thoughts are things" and if you find yourself engaged in disputes and quarrels then you are sending that signal to be unleashed throughout the coming year. However by consciously choosing to avoid negative situations and conversations then you are inviting a much different experience, enhanced by focusing your attention on what you actually want.
Another concept associated with this time of year and the Balsamic phase is the idea that God is in charge. For the spiritually inclined this may make a difference, and a little effort now can have huge returns later. Imagine if you can sitting in the presence of God and God asking you what it is you want at this time. Rather than imagine this, have that conversation with spoken words and see what happens. Chances are you will find yourself stumbling upon the right or correct word, because after all, you are talking to God. This is an exercise that will make you keenly aware of your thought patterns, which may not be as clear as you think.
This cycle has the potential to change your entire year ahead. Now it's up to you to do something with it. Here's an affirmation that reflects the intention of this article:
"I am the rich child of a loving Father that bestows upon me the gifts of Health, Happiness, Prosperity and Abundance, and for these gifts I express gratitude, grace, humility and love. I AM an instrument of God, and I willingly embrace God's intentions for me. Amen"
Interesting information about the lunar cycle. I have sent out a prayer/affirmation for the new year. Thanks again for a terrific consultation, as always!