Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Welcome To My Website & First Blog Post

The “official” date for launching my website was based on astrology of course, and the June 1st Solar Eclipse in Gemini happens to be conjunct my MC. This is astro-speak  for the area connected to business and profession, as well as public exposure. Naturally this seemed to be the perfect day to launch my website, and here I am making my first blog entry in typical Gemini fashion: writing!
I grew up knowing that the sign of Gemini would play an important role in my future, and this sign emphasizes connections and all forms of communications. The symbol of the twins also suggests more than one career, and in my case there have been a few paths I have followed like nursing and hotel management. But none have sparked my passion as much as astrology, which I now use through personal consultations. I suspect I will never stop marveling at the fact that planets and constellations “mirror” back to us information we can proactively use to create more desirable outcomes.
I chose 8:11 PM and Moyock, NC for the time and location chart as this emphasizes my natal Jupiter in a positive way, as well as placing Mercury (the communicator planet) is nice alignment with the rest of the chart.
I want to express thanks and give acknowledgment to Sandra & David Mosley of Zodiac Arts for their time and effort in creating this website. I highly recommend them! Simply contact me and I shall forward your name to them. Then again, you can try “googling” their names!