Monday, March 31, 2014

Aries Cycle Sun Sign Forecasts

Aries: Happy Birthday to you! Your year starts off sluggishly due to Mars being retrograde. However in time it resumes course, and in its wake you will have matters connected to partnerships being activated (personal and/or business ones). This month brings a surge of “can do” energy and with the help of friends you could get things accomplished, as well as enjoy yourself. A desire to improve the home base continues to beckon, whether as moving or decorating and fixing up.

Taurus: This is your “rest and relax” time of year, so don’t push yourself too hard. Instead take time to smell the roses and to unplug from the world. You could be limited in terms of what you can do, especially through money, but do not allow this to stop you from dreaming. Now is the time to focus on work and business, as well as addressing matters connected to health.

Gemini: Emphasis this cycle is placed on job matters, and fortunately you are making strides if applying effort. This is the time to connect and make your desires known. The unattached may find love, however be prepared for love to take time to find. Those with children may encounter life events through them, or if looking to become parents that day may soon arrive. Get away and relax!

Cancer: Yours is one of four signs feeling the effects of the major planets, and this month sparks events that affect career and/or your public image. With the help of Jupiter you are encouraged to look at possibilities and potential, and from there you could make major changes by years’ end. For now the focus is on domestic concerns, maybe through moving or repairs that require your involvement. News from afar arrives, or paperwork of a legal nature requires your attention. 

Leo: Life in the fast lane, so it seems, has led to many changes occurring almost overnight these past couple of years. This cycle legal matters, distant lands and/or education gets triggered and you are left feeling more excited than you care to admit. Solidify your financial plan, however be prepared for partners to not agree with you. Siblings and neighbors may demand attention or have events connected to them that affect you.

Virgo: As a sign of reason and logic, you may welcome this cycle’s gift of ideas from other people. For some time your focus has been on the needs of others, and helping where possible. This has and will be a continuing theme, fulfilling the destiny of Virgo’s true essence. The issue of money is one that gets triggered now, and opportunities to increase cash flow are available to those that look for them.

Libra: Your sign is perhaps the most affected now and for some time to come, as Mars activates the area of self imposed action. If you are attached then Mars involves your significant other too, and events affect both of you and most likely in a profound way. New relationships could be forming, and established ones could be under pressure through conflict. Ultimately it is up to you to get the ball rolling.

Scorpio: This is your “wobble” time of year, and this could lead to changes that affect day to day routines (jobs, pets and health).  The concept of closure and completion is also in effect, perhaps as events you have to respond to that could ultimately lead to a new beginning in time. Siblings, neighbors and cars are other issues being triggered for the next few months. 

Sagittarius: Disagreements with friends or organizations could erupt without warning, so watch what you say for fear of making “a mountain out of a molehill”. Singletons could meet someone this cycle, whereas those with children (especially the 1st born) could see some kind of major event this cycle. Express your energy in social activities, but don’t forget to get some “me time”.

Capricorn: This could be one of the most significant months of the year for you, with emphasis on having family and home matters taking your time attention. Marked emotionalism could make rational decision making rather hard to do, but doing what is practical and smart wins the day. Job wise things look as if they could be under strain, which could prompt you to look elsewhere. 

Aquarius: There could be an announcement this cycle that leads to swift action, perhaps at a distance. Emphasis is also placed on communication and/or learning, and your words carry weight. Siblings and cars are other ideas to consider. Venus in your sign adds sparkle to this month, and your impression on others gets an added boost. Expect snags to occur with travel and/or with foreign or faraway people.

Pisces: Money has been an issue lately, and at times it feels like a roller coaster ride. Even so the element of surprise is also being activated, so don’t assume you know how things will work out. New opportunities to bring in income could arrive, as could the impulse to spend money. With Mars retrograde in the zone of debt, curb such spending and focus on necessities for now.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

New Moon 10 Aries

Sabian Symbol: A scholar creates new forms from ancient symbols.

The astrological New Year for 2014 begins with this Aries New Moon, and the arrival of spring with its emerging vitality (in both the animal and plant kingdoms) depicts the promise of what lies ahead. Through a growing sense of passion and promise, we set the tone for the year ahead.  If done unconsciously this sets us up for disappointment and/or frustration, and if done consciously we set our intent with integrity and clarity.

This cycle gives us the opportunity to “start over”, which means leaving our old “baggage” behind. This usually means setting aside thought forms from the past in order to embrace the “new”.  To guide us along the way are “spirit guides”, and these angelic beings are there when we need them. Thus the “spiritual warrior” within us gets an opportunity to “walk its talk” as it embarks on this new annual journey. Perhaps more than anything, this concept of the “spiritual warrior” is the scholar that allows us to create new forms for this cycle.

The chart for the Aries New Moon finds 14 degrees of Leo rising (set for Washington DC), and this is a sensitive degree for the USA as it brings the 4th house cusp to a prominent position. Matters of home and family spark national pride through emotions that are collectively expressed. Leo is a sign of drama, and as a fire sign the tendency to being over reactive could mean “act first and then think”…not a good idea at all. The New Moon is located in the 9th house, suggesting something foreign may trigger events and/or a legal ruling that could be big and bold. The element of surprise is also indicated, as Uranus sits in close company this New Moon.  Adding additional tension is a square from both Jupiter and Pluto, which form what is called a “T-square”. This spells TENSION, and a need to take action. This should be a month that stands out among the rest.
On the plus side transiting Jupiter will join company with the USA’s Sun, and this signals good news and a surge of optimism. Real estate markets could finally see a surge upwards, although for how long remains questionable. Jupiter governs the house of “open enemies” for the USA and with Pluto and Uranus contacting the USA’s Sun there is bound to opposing and radical forces trying to undermine the country, possibly from within, from weary citizens that are fed up with the way things are being run.

The square of Uranus and Pluto that began in 2012 gets kicked into high gear this cycle because Jupiter enters the picture, as well as the New Moon itself. Essentially these energies speak of radical changes by the masses against those that rule or hold power, and with the added energies of the Sun, Moon and Jupiter arriving one can only say “watch out”! Exactly why is the USA so affected? The answer lies in what is called a cardinal cross, as the missing end or leg of the astrological picture is the sign of Libra. For the USA this is supplied by the planet Saturn, and this means that events this cycle will be very serious, possibly tied to business and/or the banks. If you subscribe to the concept of karma, then this is a karmic month for the USA’s reputation.

Mars rules this cycle, and it is retrograde in the sign of Libra from early March through late May. Mars creates (off and on due to retrograde activity) a square to USA’s Mercury, with the image of “them there are fighting words” coming to mind.  Mercury is a ruling planet for the USA, so this contact is not to be taken lightly. Any decisions that are made, especially of a military nature, while Mars is retrograde, will not work out as expected. For those that paid attention, we (hopefully) learned that lesson with the invasion if Iraq in 2003, another time when Mars was retrograde.

What could make USA prone to military action under this Mars in Libra retrograde? The progressed USA chart reveals the answer, as USA’s progressed Mars is now retrograde and in the sign of Libra! In fact, Mars turns direct late May exactly on the MC of the USA’s chart, suggesting a major development on Capitol Hill and/or with the President. Known for bringing about aggression and conflict, one wonders the possibilities. The higher vibration of Mars could signal an act of courage and taking action because it’s the right thing to do (spiritual warriors DO act on behalf of what they believe is just and moral).

What defines the cycle is the element of surprise, as Uranus is the most elevated planet.  Although it is tightly bound in the tense energies of Pluto, Jupiter and the New Moon itself, the saving grace may be the trine to the Ascendant of the New Moon chart (set in Washington DC). Although there could be more than enough tense energies to contend with as already stated, a window of opportunity could usher in a solution that sits “outside of the box”. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Aries Birthday Offer

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Happy Birthday Aries !!
First and foremost all signs are experiencing the tug-of-war between Pluto and Uranus through 2016 and this brings the 1960’s back up in terms of “energies” that we are collectively experiencing. Although there is a lot of stress and tension now, there’s also the expectation for radical change on the horizon. Focusing your attention on progressive changes to come is more productive, rather than thinking the world is coming to an end. Also there are retrogrades of Venus, Mars and Mercury to consider ahead, and navigating these periods will reduce tension and disappointment with advance planning.

The retrograde of Mars activates the area of partnerships, personal and business ones. Depending on marital status this could signal a new relationship within the next two years, or if committed, events center on your partner that in turn affect you. 1997-1999 are years that may echo similar themes. Uranus has been asking you to reinvent yourself, with radical changes that are best self induced rather imposed by necessity. Jupiter offers a protective influence at home, possibly through moves or home projects you are sure to welcome. Saturn is about to finish up a two year stay in a financial house, and will soon occupy the house of ambition. Prepare to get fired up about “possibilities and potential”!  You are encouraged to understand what these will mean for you personally by scheduling an appointment.

The fee for a recorded one-hour session is normally $125.00; however, as part of this special offer we are extending a 30% birthday discount of $37.00 (resulting in a special price of $88.00). As an additional incentive, the first twenty callers will receive a free report, each valued between $25.00 and $50.00. Consultations and reports are now available to send via the Internet at no charge. ($6.00 Snail Mail)

Visit Joann’s blog
 for monthly code and receive a 50% off discount offer!
Credit & Debit cards welcomed.
Thanks from RKM Astrological Services and Happy Birthday to You!!
RKM, PO Box 1000, Moyock, NC 27958

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pisces New Moon Sun Sign Forecasts

Pisces: Happy birthday to you! With the added benefit of Jupiter (and Uranus) this could be a really good month, with emphasis on children, romance and having fun. As if that were not good news enough, there are business energies also being activated that could have an air of the unexpected to color them. Reach out and make an effort to find opportunity if current conditions need improvement as the timing is NOW for your sign.
Aries: Take a break when possible, as things will pick up considerably by your birthday month. As a fire sign you are always primed for action, and yet action may not be what you get this cycle. This reclusive energy is better channeled through contemplative activities (this does not limit being active physically), rather than through “cabin fever” or by feeling like a victim. So much change lies on the horizon, and yet the puzzle pieces necessary to accomplish this have yet to completely connect. Patience!
Taurus: Frisky Mars challenges Venus (your ruler) and this could lead to frantic moments of business…but the question is “is anything getting accomplished?” You may yearn for more social interaction, or have a friend in need of your help, and you may benefit from helping out. As for health matters, make sure to eat right and get planet of sleep, as Mars energy is better used for prevention rather than cure.
Gemini: Potential developments related to work could favor your sign, so use this information to help matters along. Reach out and connect with those in a position to help, even if they are located far away. Another ides would be taking a trip, one that could be for pleasure as well. Singletons may meet someone in the coming year, and that someone might be foreign or far away.
Cancer: Thankfully Jupiter turns direct, and this ushers in energy to tackle anything you put your mind towards. Just be careful of not overdoing things. Distant far off matters may need addressing, or perhaps a legal matter needs attention. Your future beckons, and this cycle “signals” arrive as to what direction this may take you.
Leo: Finances and money tied to others gets a boost this cycle, and partners may be in the spotlight rather than you. Debt and credit matters get your full attention; and if in the position to apply for financial assistance results should favor your sign. The area of romance, children and having fun is also activated, and depending on circumstances this is likely to bring a smile to your face.
Virgo: This is the month for relationships, and singletons could meet someone special. Attached Virgo’s could find their partner experiencing major developments that in turn affect them. A friend or social connection may also be in the position to help bring a long desired wish into fruition.  Another idea to consider is the formation of a business partnership, which is better put off until late May.
Libra: Wobble! This time of year marks your “shift happens” zone, resulting in changes that could impact day to day routines. Job, health, relationships and pets all have the capacity to change routines, and it helps to keep things into perspective. Regardless of the event unfolding, remember of the changes that could happen, health reigns supreme. Without it you are vulnerable and possibly defenseless.
Scorpio: Time for fun! However Mars may not have gotten the message, so have a Plan A and a Plan B if possible. Singletons could meet someone, or a child may feature into events this month. The future looks brighter than it has in a while, so think about what you want to accomplish. With Saturn in your sign now (and for some time) you may find yourself asking “just exactly is the meaning of fun?”
Sagittarius: The house and home front are featured, possibly by thinking about buying and/or selling property or fix up projects. If financial assistance is needed this may be the month to apply. News may arrive that benefits your partner, which enhances your sense of security. Create a list of projects that need to be accomplished and start working on it. There’s no time to waste.
Aquarius: This could be a good month for business matters, which may impact the bottom line so to speak. Reach out and make contact with anyone that could help to succeed, as the time is ripe to do so. The past year or so has been a time of showing what you are made of, and no doubt you have worked hard. Rewards often come after, and this month may be the first to indicate “ job well done”. The unemployed could finally find that job!

Pisces New Moon

The New Moon in Pisces takes place on March 1st 2014 at 2:59 AM (placed in Washington, DC). It features Capricorn rising, Jupiter as the most elevated planet and the 2nd house emphasized. So what does all this mean? This New Moon also takes place on the day Mercury turns direct and Mars goes retrograde…interesting!

First we consider Capricorn rising, which represents the “face” of the cycle ahead, and Capricorn suggests an attitude of “having to” rather than “wanting to”. Duties, responsibilities and obligations can weigh heavy, and this influences our state of mind. Here the glass seems half empty rather than half full, unless of course, we recognize that there are times for fun and times for work. This cycle is a time for work, not limited to business either, as personal exchanges may take extra effort to work through problems.

Helping things enormously is the planet Jupiter, which signals better outcomes than might first be expected. There’s a building of energy through May that could send tensions rising, and with Mars involved hostile overtones may be heard. This month gets the benefit of Jupiter AND the alignment it makes to the New Moon, a flowing contact that allows doors to open if we at least try to open them.

The motive driving this cycle could be money, as the New Moon occupies the income sector. Brainstorming ideas to produce additional revenue could bring great results, but it requires “out of the box” thinking. The New Moon shares the same degree of Uranus (and Jupiter) and this suggests unusual and/or surprising developments with positive returns. However be prepared to have to react quickly, and depending on the scope of the opportunity, we may have to consider passing on an opportunity. New beginnings are not favored until late May; therefore only consider pursuing opportunities prior to March 1st.

Interestingly Mercury goes direct on the day of the New Moon, and we get the green light to sign contracts and make important AND carefully weighed out decisions. There’s no room whatsoever for impulsiveness or indecisiveness. On this same day Mars turns retrograde, and this allows us to “complete old business” for the next few months. Mars retrograde is akin to taking a long nap, so that we can wake fresh and revived in late May and begin new projects with gusto and vigor. Use this period to recharge your batteries, and “chill out” without feeling like you should be doing something else.