Friday, September 30, 2011

It's A Mars/Sun Day & A Mercury/Jupiter Day

And this provides us energy to get things accomplished! It also could find plans changing moment to moment so be flexible. Exercised lately?? Today would be a great day to start a new program of fitness.

The Mercury/Jupiter link brings some good news, although some kind of "allowance" will have to be made. For example, someone could offer you something you have wanted for some time but arrives when you are committed to doing something else. Curb your tendency to say yes to everything. 

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

A square to Neptune and this can cause us to feel tried and lacking enthusiasm.  The "to do list" just might take a back seat to another day, so plan ahead and take to the bed early tonight! Avoid "poor me" stories...they can really suck you in today.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Venus Parties With Saturn...?

Not likely. Typically when we combine these two planets it's like throwing water on a kinda takes the fun out of fun.  However Venus and Saturn join forces in the sign of Libra, a sign that is famous for being social too. So what gets created is a serious approach to having fun, or by recognizing that if we join forces with others we can create some fun. This combination of planets will affect Taurus, Libra and Capricorns most of all until November 2012.
As for the rest of us this joining of forces between the planet of money and the planet of business will only lead to success if we adopt the Libra qualities of cooperation and diplomacy. Our attitude must change if we are to make progress, as the "doing it alone" approach is no longer working. By gaining the help of others we stand to gain too.

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

An opposition to Jupiter, so be careful of overdoing things. One drink could help you relax, whereas four drinks could give you a hangover! Jupiter encourages us to go overboard, but is good natured enough to deal with the consequences later...fine and dandy if the credit card stays at home.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

A charming trine to Neptune (on the East Coast) and this should help us feel more inspired to get things done. Creative efforts are helped considerably, so try your hand at doing something artistic. Read, relax and feel inspired!

Libra New Moon 2011

We live in interesting times, and this month is sure to remind us of how much this is so. With current planetary patterns in stressed alignment to one another, which includes the New Moon, we can expect this month to stand out and stand to attention! The farther a planet reaches out into space, the greater the impact here on Earth and with Pluto and Uranus as major players in this alignment we can expect further tensions to surface ahead.
Power and control (Pluto) themes are facing off with radical (Uranus) demands for change, and voices are asking to be heard this month. The messenger planet (Mercury) is also tangled into this New Moon, and adds to the idea that conflicting opinions will abound. Nestled away in the area connected to secrets and self undoing, the New Moon and Mercury’s presence suggests that we may not know what is really going on behind the scenes. A radical element also exists, and this could lead to an unexpected announcement that catches us off guard.
Sadly it also implies that WE may not be paying attention either, and so WE contribute to what happens whether we like it or not. This message has been present since 2003, when the radical planet (Uranus) entered the sign of Pisces for a seven year sleep. Many of us chose to amuse ourselves with new tech savvy devices, while silently overlooking major developments within our own governments. Could we salvage this anytime soon? Neptune entering Pisces can offer us an ability to “see through the veil” and to work together as ONE.  Of course there are other things Neptune will be bring up, but for now it is time to pay attention!
Remember, above all else we have the planet of transformation (Pluto) in a business driven sign (Capricorn) positioned in the area of leadership (10th house). A re-read of this sentence produces another viewpoint that actually captures the current economic climate: business is in fact the leaders of today. Leaders of the past are merely puppets today, suggesting a breakdown in how our governments work. This applies globally too, and consequently everyone is affected. What caused our current stressed markets is nothing more than “profits gone wild”, and we are facing the consequences of this behavior now.
With this in mind this New Moon activates the energies just discussed, bringing this idea front and center to our consciousness this month. The New Moon is also sensitive to Venus, who is aligned with the planet of restrictions, limitations and seriousness…not a good sign of what’s to come.  Venus loves what feels good, and money ranks high on the list of things she likes, yet cuddled next to the planet of restraint suggests further economic bad news.
There are karmic lessons (North Node) to be learned this cycle, thanks to the association the North Node has to the planet of accountability (Saturn). Perhaps this will highlight a political figure that is sure to make headlines, but the messenger may not be as important as the message. How many times do we hear the same message and yet are not compelled to respond? With any luck the right messenger will come along…

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Libra New Moon Sun Sign Forecast

Libra: Happy Birthday Libra!! Your year has “ a call to action” written all over it, and this promises a number of changes that you will be responsible for creating…you are in the driver’s seat so to speak. Profound events are taking place, and they are affecting your home, family and significant other (assuming you have someone). Your desire to find peace and balance has been stretched to the limit, and you are learning valuable lessons about self-empowerment. This month spotlights domestic issues, however Jupiter as most elevated planet is sure to benefit you when you need it most. Someone delivers unexpected news, possibly from a distance or involving a relative. Watch your first born-child; no matter what age they may be…they could also surprise you as well.
Scorpio: This is your “quiet” time of year, and energy levels may be at their lowest, so give yourself permission to rest whenever possible. Business matters are in high gear for the next several weeks, thanks to Mars your ruling planet. Using your mind for expression or creativity is in focus for many months to come, resulting in a profound change in how you connect with the world. Unexpected news arrives affecting the home/family region and it could require spending and/or lending money.
Sagittarius: Social energies and/or friendships are in the spotlight and events may be connected to people you know rather to yourself.  One key friendship in particular could be surrounded by an air of seriousness, possibly due to a setback. With this in mind stand up to the plate and show your support, and with your humor you are medicine to one’s ear. Business developments are also featured, and you could be singled out for a new offer or promotion…but whatever it is you are not likely to see it coming!
Capricorn: Your sign is definitely in the spotlight this month, and events will impact not only your public (professional) image but your personal life as well. Be on the lookout for business opportunities, which may require you to deal with “paperwork”…as in signing agreements. The first born child and/or children in general are another area in your life to which an event may unfold. Whatever it is, events this month have a “karmic” pattern being unfolded. This may signal a time for new beginnings or endings.  
Aquarius: This New Moon is “friendly” to your sign, however that does not mean that you will see what is coming before it arrives. The element of surprise exists, and most likely involving someone else. There is also a chance that a money matter could unfold, perhaps in the form of new revenue and/or (impulsive) spending. Other people in your life, especially partners, could cause you to become irritated. However, with advance warning you can choose to take a breather and avoid making a mountain out of a molehill.
Pisces: There could be some intense moments this month, possibly marked with emotionalism.  The nature or substance of any issue being activated may also be of a private nature, rendering any prediction made now unnecessary. Money may also be an issue, although not likely connected to income. An exchange between you and a partner may yield a surprising discovery.  
Aries: The focus appears almost entirely on other people in your life this month, which may require additional patience on your part for harmony to prevail. The urge to be spontaneous and playful is strong, and ideally you will do so with your partner and/or friends. Children can be yet another area to consider, whether they be infants or grown adults. The element of surprise exists and you could be asked to keep a secret, or cause you to blunder by expressing yourself too quickly.
Taurus: This is your “wobble” time of year, and this could lead to an event that shakes things up more than you would like it too. Work and/or health matters require your focused attention, and perhaps require you to do what you don’t want to do. Another area seeing a lot of action is on the home-front, which could mean home improvements and/or family gatherings or issues. News from a friend and/or child comes to you and this may catch you off guard. 
Gemini: This is a friendly cycle to your sign, with the focus on home and family matters. In fact, perhaps more than any other sign, the surprising news this cycle may be most significant for your sign…and it may have something to do with business. Make connections! You just might make a fortunate contact that helps the bottom line.
Cancer: They say home is where the heart is, and happiness is found in our stomachs. So this month may prove either of these statements to be true…this is the time of year that suits you best. Your energy levels are increasing, and you feel an urge to get things moving…so get out there and knock em’ dead! Although planetary energies at this time are somber for everyone, your sign finds some respite by withdrawing to the comforts of home. News connected to relatives, in-laws and siblings is highlighted, as is the necessity of taking care of paperwork.
Leo: Are your engines fully charged and ready to go? Well you had better have a plan ahead, or use this cycle to create one. There are a lot of mental energies looking to get channeled this month, so find a constructive way to use them. Overall when all is said and done, this year should be good for business…in light of current economic conditions. Attend to car matters if needed.
Virgo: This month puts emphasis on money matters, which can imply changes in the financial picture for a variety of reasons. Don’t let a checkbook oversight catch you off guards! Use this cycle to create a financial plan for the year(s) ahead…supply details, details as much as possible as these details contribute life to any dream. News comes that affects you but involves another, perhaps your partner or other close associate.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mars Enters Leo-There's Drama Ahead!!

For the next few weeks we are going to see this fiery planet activating the degrees of the Leo retrograde that took place from October 2009 through June 2010. Review this period for events that could get reactivated from today through November 10th of this year. Leo is bold and dramatic, so events tend to be as well. Watch for the period around October 11-12th, as Mars activates the USA's chart similar to the time when hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast region, as well as the February 1 2003 space shuttle Columbia disaster.

President Obama is a well known person born under the sign of Leo, and at the same degree of Leo that is so sensitive for the USA. This implies that he may also be affected by Mars in these next few weeks. Coupled with a Solar Eclipse opposing his natal Moon (in November), it could suggest a health issue that needs addressing right away. The Moon being feminine also implies that a woman might stand out that is close to him.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Venus-Uranus Brings Unexpected Pleasures!

Try as we may, the energy today is mixed with a Mars/Neptune that invites us to escape and relax combined with a Venus/Uranus that says let's mingle and have fun. With a little luck we will find a way to do both...tgif!! (Thank God It's Friday)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Venus Enters Libra

Unlike past years, Venus in this sign triggers off major energies over the next few days that are sure to impact social and personal relationships. Expect repressed feelings to surface, perhaps explosively or unexpectedly, allowing us to "vent" if needed. Whatever happens you are sure to react with more passion than you might expect. 
Libra represents relationships, so expect to deal with this issue in coming days. Give compliments whenever possible as we all have a basic need to feel like we matter to others. You will gain as much as you give in return.

What You Focus On You Attract

We could end the day on a positive note thanks to the harmonious blend between Mercury and Jupiter. Ideas are big and bold, and expectations run high, and together they create a better attitude from which we "signal" out into the Universe. The better the signal, the better the reception, so focus on the positive to get a positive. This implies the opposite can happen too, but why chose that path? Take a moment out today to say something nice to everyone you meet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's a Splendid Feel-Good Day!

Thanks to the conversation flowing between Neptune and Venus, which is sure to make us more receptive to what makes us feel good. Artists will love this energy, as they are the ultimate pairing for creative purposes. Lovers may find it helpful use some forethought and set the stage for a romantic encounter.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Full Moon in Pisces

Confession: I am a Pisces and writing this Full Moon entry is proving more challenging that I expected. The risk of saying too much is present, as Pisces is hard to grasp in a tangible way. It's elusive and slips in and out of the moment as fast as quicksilver. So an exercise is being offered instead: over the next few days ask yourself how many illusions you have accepted as part of your life. For example, do you really think there is such a thing as retirement? Then ask yourself what expectations do you have...such as what you want from a relationship? Having done this, would giving up your illusions and expectations make you any more or less happier? If life contentment is what you seek, then this exercise could help you achieve it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mental Energies Are In High Gear!

Find a way to channel today's energy through projects and activities that challenge and/or engage your mind. Ideas could flash before you quickly, and leave just as fast so write them down as soon as possible. Conversations could include topics that are new to you, or simply because they happen without planning. For this reason it could make social exchanges very entertaining and energizing. By day's end isolate one idea or thought that is new to you, and commit to further investigating it tomorrow. Expect headlines to feature a surprise of some kind, potentially creating a lot of water cooler conversations.
We honor all those who were lost ten years ago, as well as the ones who loved them.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Time To Socialize!!

Yin and yang energies harmonize nicely today, and offer us a chance to have fun and mix. Social events are favored, and tonight makes an excellent date night! Even if you don't have a date to go out with, plan on dressing up and getting out anyway. Someone is bound to notice you!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Calgon...take me away!

It's that kind of day today, as our minds drift from thought to thought as if caught by the wind. This can be used wisely for creative projects, or for escapist activities like reading or watching TV. Watch for "poor me" scenarios as rescuers always end up becoming victims. This cosmic gift of energy allows us to unplug and recharge used wisely, or we risk becoming scattered and disjointed. A literal interpretation: talk to God.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Virgo New Moon for Washington DC

The interesting thing about elevated planets is you can see them, and in this case it is the planet Pluto. This tells us that power and control issues will dominate (what's new?); however others considerations include a scandal, a financial event and/or a prominent death.

For some time now it has been Neptune that has been the most elevated planet, with monthly variations like this one adding a new layer of understanding. The current state of affairs, and for about a year now, can be attributed to Neptune: uncertainty, deception, disillusionment and a general sense of "poor me". This cycle we have Pluto along for the ride with Neptune; Pluto's presence signals sweeping events that are intense and relentless.

The planet Mercury has a "starring" role too (for everyone), and the issue of communication dominates. The question is: do we see eye to eye? Significant decisions may lie on the horizon, potentially affecting us for years to come. 

Virgo New Moon

Virgo: Happy Birthday and a great year lies ahead! Thanks to powerful connections between the planets of improvement, pleasure and empowerment linked together in a harmonious way, you can expect the months ahead to bring you more of what makes you happy. This month marks the time to embark on new beginnings and to have at least one important conversation, which may lead to an important decision that is best made AFTER this cycle. Key issues being activated this month include: travel, teaching, learning, publishing, in laws, relatives, siblings, cars, legal matters and foreigners.
Libra: Time to take five and relax when possible. Energy levels tend to be low at this time, and allowing yourself time to escape is helpful if not therapeutic. Your mind tends to be preoccupied with thoughts of money, and even if you have reason to think there's a challenge in this area, the chances are you will fair better than you think. Lady luck is the most elevated planet now, so have faith and move on.
Scorpio: Other people are practically coming out of the woodwork to help you now, including the possibility of someone to snuggle with at night. Your mind seeks greater challenges in coming years, and insights as to how this might manifest could arrive this cycle. Mars is the planet that is most elevated, promising to make this a very busy and active month for you. A decision involving money, probably connected to business, is also accentuated.
Sagittarius: Wow! This year has indications for professional advancement, and this month could highlight possibilities to consider in coming months. Networking from afar or dealing with matters connected to legal affairs, in laws, travel and/or publishing are in the spotlight. A decision or important conversation looms ahead, and may have far reaching consequences.
Capricorn: Your sign has seen and will continue to see profound changes that encompass endings and beginnings. This month favors you, perhaps as a vacation to distant places, or through social and/or romantic opportunities. Children are another idea to consider. Family dynamics continue to create upheavals that affect you too, possibly through unexpected events. Roll with the punches, and make time to have fun this month!
Aquarius: Home and housing issues are connected to the issue of money, such as repairs and/or remodeling. Career matters have been and continue to see profound changes, leading to a new era or chapter in the coming year. Discussions between you and business partners (and significant others) could lead to important decisions this cycle. Early next year finds Mars activating the same region that this New Moon activates, sending signals of what's to come then.
Pisces: Hopes, wishes and friends combine with friendly others (and lovers?), leaving you with pleasant thoughts and an active mind. Brain activity is favored for most of the year, some of which could help business. With Saturn as most elevated planet you have your share of duties and obligations to deal with, and a significant development looms ahead with next months New Moon. Other folks are calling the shots this cycle, and even so you are sure to benefit in the end.
Aries: With added determination and discipline you are conquering achievements that are helping to create a "new" you thanks to Saturn's positioning in your chart. This cycle puts focus on routine issues like eye and dental checkups, as well as potential job developments. Domestic issues could keep you busy, however the time for fun arrives next month. If you are in the market for a new job look for it now!!
Taurus: It's time for some fun, and for your inner child to come out and play. Children could also be in the spotlight, as could romantic opportunities. This is also a month where taking a chance might pay off, but limit any risks to a reasonable amount that is budget friendly. So buy a lottery ticket or enter a drawing and see what just never know! Pluto as elevated planet has brought the words "extreme" and "intense" into your consciousness, but it empowers you in ways you never imagined.
Gemini: Domestic and family matters are in focus, and it will probably bring you moments of pleasure too. Some how you appear to be gaining something that affects this region. Partnerships have undergone profound changes, although at least one key one is benefiting you too. Confusion and doubts have and are hounding you, but this is about to change. Soon your world will look far different than it does now, and you are sure to like where this takes you.
Cancer: You famous sense of feeling combines with logic and reason this cycle and this may lead to a decision by the end of the cycle. Conversations and networking are also featured, and your brain craves stimulation! Find outlets that suit your purpose and avoid getting distracted. Siblings and relatives could contact you, and news is likely to be good. Your most potent month begins next cycle, so ideas and decisions need not be made now.
Leo: Clearly this is the cycle for business developments, however with Uranus in an elevated position unexpected twists are to be expected. If you are looking to get a new job, or want to ask for a raise consider doing so this cycle. Re-connect with old associates that may be in a position to help you, and be prepared for the pace of things to really pick up soon!

It's A Sun/Mercury/Mars & Venus/Node Day

The high energy of today is centered on relationships that are "good for us" and the ability to express our thoughts clearly. This could lead to interesting conversations and a lot of mental activity, and along the way we just might enjoy ourselves! Be on the lookout for a social opportunity that could also teach you a valuable lesson, or a new connection that just might be the beginning of a new and lasting friendship. Do something spontaneous, and by all means get out there and be seen!