Friday, September 2, 2011

Virgo New Moon for Washington DC

The interesting thing about elevated planets is you can see them, and in this case it is the planet Pluto. This tells us that power and control issues will dominate (what's new?); however others considerations include a scandal, a financial event and/or a prominent death.

For some time now it has been Neptune that has been the most elevated planet, with monthly variations like this one adding a new layer of understanding. The current state of affairs, and for about a year now, can be attributed to Neptune: uncertainty, deception, disillusionment and a general sense of "poor me". This cycle we have Pluto along for the ride with Neptune; Pluto's presence signals sweeping events that are intense and relentless.

The planet Mercury has a "starring" role too (for everyone), and the issue of communication dominates. The question is: do we see eye to eye? Significant decisions may lie on the horizon, potentially affecting us for years to come. 


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