Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Libra New Moon Sun Sign Forecast

Libra: Happy Birthday Libra!! Your year has “ a call to action” written all over it, and this promises a number of changes that you will be responsible for creating…you are in the driver’s seat so to speak. Profound events are taking place, and they are affecting your home, family and significant other (assuming you have someone). Your desire to find peace and balance has been stretched to the limit, and you are learning valuable lessons about self-empowerment. This month spotlights domestic issues, however Jupiter as most elevated planet is sure to benefit you when you need it most. Someone delivers unexpected news, possibly from a distance or involving a relative. Watch your first born-child; no matter what age they may be…they could also surprise you as well.
Scorpio: This is your “quiet” time of year, and energy levels may be at their lowest, so give yourself permission to rest whenever possible. Business matters are in high gear for the next several weeks, thanks to Mars your ruling planet. Using your mind for expression or creativity is in focus for many months to come, resulting in a profound change in how you connect with the world. Unexpected news arrives affecting the home/family region and it could require spending and/or lending money.
Sagittarius: Social energies and/or friendships are in the spotlight and events may be connected to people you know rather to yourself.  One key friendship in particular could be surrounded by an air of seriousness, possibly due to a setback. With this in mind stand up to the plate and show your support, and with your humor you are medicine to one’s ear. Business developments are also featured, and you could be singled out for a new offer or promotion…but whatever it is you are not likely to see it coming!
Capricorn: Your sign is definitely in the spotlight this month, and events will impact not only your public (professional) image but your personal life as well. Be on the lookout for business opportunities, which may require you to deal with “paperwork”…as in signing agreements. The first born child and/or children in general are another area in your life to which an event may unfold. Whatever it is, events this month have a “karmic” pattern being unfolded. This may signal a time for new beginnings or endings.  
Aquarius: This New Moon is “friendly” to your sign, however that does not mean that you will see what is coming before it arrives. The element of surprise exists, and most likely involving someone else. There is also a chance that a money matter could unfold, perhaps in the form of new revenue and/or (impulsive) spending. Other people in your life, especially partners, could cause you to become irritated. However, with advance warning you can choose to take a breather and avoid making a mountain out of a molehill.
Pisces: There could be some intense moments this month, possibly marked with emotionalism.  The nature or substance of any issue being activated may also be of a private nature, rendering any prediction made now unnecessary. Money may also be an issue, although not likely connected to income. An exchange between you and a partner may yield a surprising discovery.  
Aries: The focus appears almost entirely on other people in your life this month, which may require additional patience on your part for harmony to prevail. The urge to be spontaneous and playful is strong, and ideally you will do so with your partner and/or friends. Children can be yet another area to consider, whether they be infants or grown adults. The element of surprise exists and you could be asked to keep a secret, or cause you to blunder by expressing yourself too quickly.
Taurus: This is your “wobble” time of year, and this could lead to an event that shakes things up more than you would like it too. Work and/or health matters require your focused attention, and perhaps require you to do what you don’t want to do. Another area seeing a lot of action is on the home-front, which could mean home improvements and/or family gatherings or issues. News from a friend and/or child comes to you and this may catch you off guard. 
Gemini: This is a friendly cycle to your sign, with the focus on home and family matters. In fact, perhaps more than any other sign, the surprising news this cycle may be most significant for your sign…and it may have something to do with business. Make connections! You just might make a fortunate contact that helps the bottom line.
Cancer: They say home is where the heart is, and happiness is found in our stomachs. So this month may prove either of these statements to be true…this is the time of year that suits you best. Your energy levels are increasing, and you feel an urge to get things moving…so get out there and knock em’ dead! Although planetary energies at this time are somber for everyone, your sign finds some respite by withdrawing to the comforts of home. News connected to relatives, in-laws and siblings is highlighted, as is the necessity of taking care of paperwork.
Leo: Are your engines fully charged and ready to go? Well you had better have a plan ahead, or use this cycle to create one. There are a lot of mental energies looking to get channeled this month, so find a constructive way to use them. Overall when all is said and done, this year should be good for business…in light of current economic conditions. Attend to car matters if needed.
Virgo: This month puts emphasis on money matters, which can imply changes in the financial picture for a variety of reasons. Don’t let a checkbook oversight catch you off guards! Use this cycle to create a financial plan for the year(s) ahead…supply details, details as much as possible as these details contribute life to any dream. News comes that affects you but involves another, perhaps your partner or other close associate.


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