Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Libra New Moon 2011

We live in interesting times, and this month is sure to remind us of how much this is so. With current planetary patterns in stressed alignment to one another, which includes the New Moon, we can expect this month to stand out and stand to attention! The farther a planet reaches out into space, the greater the impact here on Earth and with Pluto and Uranus as major players in this alignment we can expect further tensions to surface ahead.
Power and control (Pluto) themes are facing off with radical (Uranus) demands for change, and voices are asking to be heard this month. The messenger planet (Mercury) is also tangled into this New Moon, and adds to the idea that conflicting opinions will abound. Nestled away in the area connected to secrets and self undoing, the New Moon and Mercury’s presence suggests that we may not know what is really going on behind the scenes. A radical element also exists, and this could lead to an unexpected announcement that catches us off guard.
Sadly it also implies that WE may not be paying attention either, and so WE contribute to what happens whether we like it or not. This message has been present since 2003, when the radical planet (Uranus) entered the sign of Pisces for a seven year sleep. Many of us chose to amuse ourselves with new tech savvy devices, while silently overlooking major developments within our own governments. Could we salvage this anytime soon? Neptune entering Pisces can offer us an ability to “see through the veil” and to work together as ONE.  Of course there are other things Neptune will be bring up, but for now it is time to pay attention!
Remember, above all else we have the planet of transformation (Pluto) in a business driven sign (Capricorn) positioned in the area of leadership (10th house). A re-read of this sentence produces another viewpoint that actually captures the current economic climate: business is in fact the leaders of today. Leaders of the past are merely puppets today, suggesting a breakdown in how our governments work. This applies globally too, and consequently everyone is affected. What caused our current stressed markets is nothing more than “profits gone wild”, and we are facing the consequences of this behavior now.
With this in mind this New Moon activates the energies just discussed, bringing this idea front and center to our consciousness this month. The New Moon is also sensitive to Venus, who is aligned with the planet of restrictions, limitations and seriousness…not a good sign of what’s to come.  Venus loves what feels good, and money ranks high on the list of things she likes, yet cuddled next to the planet of restraint suggests further economic bad news.
There are karmic lessons (North Node) to be learned this cycle, thanks to the association the North Node has to the planet of accountability (Saturn). Perhaps this will highlight a political figure that is sure to make headlines, but the messenger may not be as important as the message. How many times do we hear the same message and yet are not compelled to respond? With any luck the right messenger will come along…


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