Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mars enters Virgo

And it will remain in this sign until July 2012. If you happen to have a Virgo planet then rest assured you are going to be affected...and Mars always shakes things up too! It also signals "new beginnings" of some kind, and most likely you will be the driving force behind these changes.

You have until January 23 2012 to get projects underway, and the sooner the better. After this date you are advised to finish off old business and projects, and to have a Plan A and a Plan B as schedules are likely to be interrupted. Cosmically Mars retrograde gives us time to "catch up" and to review our actions for the next two years.

Collectively we will experience a 'wobble' in our lives, and this will lead to changes in our routines. Employment and health issues will become even bigger headlines, as well as how we take care of ourselves. Virgo is a sign of health, so proactively work with this energy by becoming more informed.

Full Moon in Taurus/Scorpio

Unlike past Full Moons in Taurus/Scorpio (which occur every 19 years) this one features Pluto in Capricorn AND is the most elevated planet. This makes Pluto the "star" of the Full Moon and it governs/rules the 8th house of crisis. Recent headlines that reflect this energy include the financial shake-up affecting Italy, and the sex scandal affecting the head coach of Pa State University. Feelings are being aroused and are likely to lead to tempers flaring.

Not only are the signs the signs of money (Taurus/Scorpio), but they straddle the houses of money too.  Financial markets are likely to remain unstable as a result. Thought then question: leaders world-wide are "under the gun" with Pluto in Capricorn and this signals massive changes in the months and years ahead, a revolution awaits. So, how is it that these leaders were allowed to rule as they have? Conditions in place now did not take place overnight, and under a Full Moon we are being made aware of what was/has been taking place for some time now. Does it seem as if some of the world leaders have been raping their countries? Time will tell...  

Friday, November 4, 2011

There's a Venus/Mercury Link Today...

The dance continues, as the pleasure planet combines with the planet of communication. However, today they unite at the degree of the Solar Eclipse of November 25th. Anytime a planet crosses the degree of an Eclipse, it has the potential to activate the Eclipse. Therefore today could be the day some of us "get a message" or snapshot of what is to come. Eclipses are said to be the handiwork of God, making the messages we receive today as divinely delivered.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

There's a Uranus/Mercury/Venus Link Today...

And the conversation continues, which started earlier this week when Neptune sat in Uranus's chair. Imagination and fantasy is replaced with bold thinking and big ideas, and an attitude of "the skies the limit". "Why not" becomes the answer rather than the question, and this adds sparkle to the events unfolding today. Brilliance is a gift that visits without notice, so prepare to jot ideas down should one arrive. Otherwise you risk not remembering them by the end of the day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Venus enters Sagittarius Today

The planet of pleasure has been in a sign of intensity since October 8th, and this has compelled us to want to withdraw and be alone even in the midst of being in a crowd. At the very least we have gotten in touch with our innermost feelings, having examined the fragility of life. With a gust of wind the mood changes today, and it is time for new adventures! Venus in a fire sign (Sagittarius) brings more passion to life, and an interest in things that are foreign to us. She is also more generous and humorous, making it easier for us to laugh at ourselves. Bells ring from afar, asking us to go on a adventure. So where are you headed?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect Today Is...

Is a sextile to Uranus and this increases our potential for acting more spontaneously. Social exchanges should go well, and doing something different (from normal routines) is encouraged.

There's a Neptune/Mercury/Venus Link Today...

This could find us in "la-la land" today, drifting off into a world of daydreams and fantasy. Our imagination reaches new heights, which can be useful for creative projects. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into suspicious or obsessive thinking, however do try to be honest with yourself and others.