symbol: A Christmas tree decorated.
New Moon (April 29th) located for Washington, DC falls within the annual New phase; thus we
are given another cycle to set our intent for the coming year. The annual New
phase is comprised of any New Moon that falls within all thirty degrees of
Aries and the first 15 degrees of Taurus.
Thus this month emphasizes the concept of new beginnings and starting
over, especially as it relates to our values. Taurus energy works hard for what
it wants, instinctively driven by quality that can only be the result of hard
work. The end result of hard work brings satisfaction that is enduring, as well
as an appreciation for what it (the hard work) has produced. The question to
ask is how willing are you to work for what you want?
cycle brought an opportunity for creating a vision for the year ahead, and this
cycle we continue to work on our vision by engaging in the process of
collecting information. This means sorting out what will be needed in order to
obtain our goal, perhaps by creating lists of people and/or resources that
could help us. Take for example the goal of better health: this cycle we could
research potential dietary and/or exercise options by first determining what
appeals to us most, and then following up from there. This could mean checking
out your local YMCA or perhaps a collection of DVD’s that you perform at home.
Magazines that cater to healthy living could be another option, which in turn
provides ideas to consider. Also, keep in mind that next month we continue to
build upon this idea of “fact gathering”.
cycle asks that we review our relationship to money, which in turn is reflected
in that which we possess. Do you buy to please a whim? If so then this month is
a good time to examine what compels you to spend. Self worth issues could be to
blame for excessive debts, and no amount of money on hand will solve this. Or do you have a clear agenda regarding your
money? If so, do you have a financial plan for the future? Perhaps even more compelling is to ask the
question: do you own your possessions or do they own you? Personal security is
often mistaken as financially based, and yet as the saying goes “money does not
buy love”. What exactly does security
mean to you? By the end of this cycle you should have an answer to this
New Moon finds Aquarius rising, which continues a theme from last cycle that
brings with it the element of surprise. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which is
in the 2nd house of money, possibly hinting at what could take us by
surprise. The New Moon links with Neptune in a splendid way, and this offers
creative ideas and/or inspiration to get going on a project. News that leaves
us feeling good could also arrive.
cycle also finds Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto in tight company to one
another, which continues a theme that lasts for several months. Warlike
behavior is anticipated, however this cycle the emphasis is on money for
several reasons. First the sign of Taurus emphasizes money, and the ruler Venus
is in the 2nd house of money in the New Moon chart. Mars and Uranus
oppose one another from houses of money too, suggesting a roller coaster effect
on financial markets. The transportation industry is highlighted too, as are
companies in the communication field.
05-0-14 09:26 PM EDT
Moon-28 Gemini
Crescent phase is about “what do I have to work with” and “what do I want to
accomplish”? An examination of resources
is necessary in order to know how to proceed.
phase finds the curious sign of Gemini being activated, and like a butterfly
this energy flits about in search of information. This is also the sign of the
twins, hinting at the possibility of more than one option or choice to be made.
Whatever our focus, we may also want to consider its opposite side in order to
see the pros and cons. This phase asks
that we not ne rigid in our thinking, and to think outside of the box. Gemini
is the “Magician” and if you allow it to operate freely you can end up with
more solutions and/or answers than expected.
this Crescent phase to check in on a neighbor and/or brother and see what you
can do if help is needed. The simple act of caring can go a long way, which
could also be expressed through emails and/or voicemail to anyone and everyone.
No matter how hard it is speak up this Crescent phase! Pay attention to self
defeating words or thoughts. With Mercury opposing Saturn we could see opinions
clashing, or we could hear news that is serious and causes us to ponder.
05-06-14 11:14 PM EDT
Quarter Moon-17 Leo
1st Quarter phase is about initiating a course of action, and the
drive to do something with the resources at hand. We are driven by inner
feelings as to what direction to take, as feelings are the building blocks of
this phase.
sign of Leo brings passion and love to taking action, and clearly no sign does
so with more drama than Leo. Like a performer stepping out onto the stage
(disguising freight of course!), this phase allows us to step out and do
something in all our glory. Pretend where possible to be a child and to
confront what unfolds with the same innocence that a child would, and avoid
expressing your ego. Claim your love for the goal(s) you want to achieve and to
yourself for trying. In return you could
be infused with creative ideas that could further your goal(s).
the USA a woman could stand out, as the 1st Quarter Moon opposes the
USA’s Moon. The Moon also reflects moods, and an opposition could imply a sense
of division among its citizens. This idea is also reflected by Jupiter in
Cancer, which is the ruler of the 1st Quarter chart. There is a T-square between the Sun, Moon and
Saturn too, suggesting a somber mood that could bring about feelings of
discouragement and/or sadness. This may also be reflected through a national
figure, and presumably this means a time of grave energy for them.
05-10-14 11:35 PM EDT
Gibbous Moon-06
Gibbous phase is a time for analyzing, and with discrimination we can sort out
what is useful from that which is not. It is the most creative phase of all,
and yet too much criticism can deflate enthusiasm. Our inner child can surface
now and produce amazing results, if only we allow the child out. What drives
this phase is passion, and like its counterpart, the New Phase, it can be
driven by a vision. The Gibbous phase allows us to define that vision with more
precision and detail. It is this phase that SHIFT happens, where active energy
meets receptive energy. Creativity flourishes when we flow with the energy
rather than against it.
Gibbous phase chart finds the Moon in very close range to Mars, and together
they also oppose Venus. This makes for a most uncomfortable situation, and one
that will appeal to our feelings and emotions. Whether from abroad, or perhaps
as a legal development, this phase could be challenging. This idea gets added
support from a tight opposition from the Sun and Saturn, and a masculine figure
stands out. Interestingly transiting Mercury is exactly on the USA’s Ascendant
and signals news, announcements and/or decisions that meaningfully impact our
nation. All forms of travel are also accentuated.
05-14-14 03:15 PM EDT
Full Moon-24
Full Moon is a time of sharing with others, and through sharing we gain
insights from input received. This requires “listening” to what we hear, and
this reflection makes it possible to refine our goal. Sometimes we like what we
hear, and then again maybe not. Being too attached to self could make this a
difficult phase, as others are needed to support your goal. This phase teaches
us that we must rely on each other in order to succeed, as no man is an island
upon himself.
Full Moon chart finds houses of communication and or travel lit up, possibly
suggesting an announcement and/or ruling from legal circles or foreigners.
Saturn connects to the November 2012 and May 2013 Solar Eclipses, and events
then could be activated once again. Opinions and ideas could be challenged by
rigidity, especially in the global arena.
this phase to review attachments you have to others, and specifically if there
are issues of manipulation and control in effect. Money often plays a role in
this case, whereas an opportunity to open up to others in a more intimate way
is possible. This does not mean sexually either, as trust in another is
necessary for intimacy. Share your private thoughts with another and see what
comes of this exchange.
05-18-14 12:23 AM EDT
Moon-13 Capricorn
Disseminating phase is a time to once again “put it out there”. Having
collected insights from others, and then refining our goal, we move beyond our
inner world in order to share with others. This may require going beyond our
normal limits, literally and figuratively. This phase is driven by feelings and
the desire to take action, and your inner gypsy emerges seeking new horizons.
Use this phase to promote your goal.
chart for the Disseminating phase finds the planet s Mercury and Pluto in dominant
positions for the USA. This signals powerful and intense energies in the form
of verbal exchanges that could be tinged with threats and/or profound
decisions. Mars continues to activate the “big picture” and particularly this
cycle by squaring both the Moon and Pluto. In turn these energies link up with
Uranus and Venus to form yet another tense T-square, suggesting a period of
instability in financial markets.
represents the idea of business, so this cycle is excellent for sharing your
business ideas with others. Be prepared for criticism, and take it in stride.
The under lying message may be one of “less is more”, so consider ways to meet
your goal(s) by seeing what can and cannot be discarded.
05-21-14 08:59 AM EDT
Quarter Moon-01 Pisces
3rd Quarter phase is “result” time, and the report card
arrives. This period brings us our
cherished goal, or it may not. This is NOT about failure, but rather what it
takes for success. The phase is like a father that wants to teach its child to
succeed, and the knowing that it may take several attempts before succeeding.
Rather than see failure, we see a lack of acquiring our goal as a new
opportunity to try again. Goals not acquired simply need more time; and kudos
to you for trying. That’s all that matters anyway.
have turned a corner finally! Mars now resumes forward motion and will soon
press forward and no longer be part of the “big picture”. Lingering after effects remain for several
more weeks, but progress is expected. We may well have something pleasant to
say, or perhaps we hear better news, thanks to a link between Mercury and
Venus. A legal development and/or
foreign matter may stand out at this time.
is forgiving, and in 3rd Quarter we are given an opportunity to see
our results with compassion. The flip side of the coin is seeing what you want
to see, perhaps a form of denial. The Angelic Kingdom listens, and we should
(yes, it is 3rd Quarter!) express gratitude no matter what our
achievements or results render. Sometimes we hit the mark, and sometimes not.
But like a loving Father, the 3rd Quarter offers inspiration much
like a father would to a child.
05-24-14 09:15 PM EDT
Moon-19 Aries
Balsamic phase is a time of releasing and letting go, and to create the necessary
environment for new ideas to emerge. Akin to incubation, this quiet time of
rest is actually getting ready to unleash its energy through the next New Moon.
However, before doing so a time of rest is needed. Think of this period as a
time for re-charging your batteries. Avoid energies (or people) that don’t
reflect what you want for the next month, or you risk carrying them through the
next cycle. Such energies could hold you back from succeeding, so detach from
negative by focusing on the positive. A little chat with God could works
wonders, and motivated for the next cycle.
Moon is wedged between Uranus and Venus as this cycle opens, suggesting a
moment of unexpected pleasure. The contact to Venus could lead to over
indulgence, an idea supported even further by the Moon squaring Jupiter. Moments like these don’t come often so enjoy
then while you can. Plan a social event if possible, even if it is at the last
minute. Housing markets are spotlighted, as are food companies.
Aries energy may take effort, as Aries is energetic and active. This may
interfere with our ability to sleep during this phase, or it could increase
dream time in terms of visual imagery. Aries is independent and sometimes self
centered, as well as impulsive and rash. Choose to release these negative
traits if needed. Everyone possesses a “spiritual warrior” within, which allows
us to stand by our principles and values when needed. Check in with this
warrior and hear what it has to say. Messages may arrive that reinforce your
spiritual side.