Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It's been a while since posting a blog....

I have been out of touch for some time now because of my Mom's challenging health issues that led to her passing on November 13th (a Friday interestingly enough). I had the honor of being with her at this critical time, and am thankful for the support of medical professionals that also helped. Regardless of how much you think you are prepared for an event of this nature, when it does occur it sweeps you away into a world far removed from the one we are most familiar with on this earthly plane.

A memorial service was held on January 16th, and at this time I (and others) celebrated her life with memories of her generous and kind nature through our personal experiences with her. A maverick in the real sense, she gave me the opportunity (life) to live out my karma as the first role model to stand up to. Words can never completely convey the numerous things that could be said, suffice it to say I will miss Mom and look forward to connecting again some time in the near distant future. I love you Mom.
 Anyone interested in viewing the memorial ceremony may do so via Google Drive and supplying an email address (send to joannsheltondodd@gmail.com).