Monday, October 31, 2011

Scorpio Sun Sign Forecast

Scorpio: Happy birthday to you! This month finds a great link between the planet of improvement and your ruling planet Pluto, and any improvements are likely to be really big in size. The area of partnerships is especially lit up, and will continue to remain active until June 2012. Your mind and your ability to communicate will be key to gaining progress in the months ahead; this cycle asks that you take a step in this direction by activating your brain cells in whatever fashion that suits your desires. Social exchanges are also favored, as you radiate animal magnetism! Use it to also make business gains.
Sagittarius: Take a break while you can, as the months ahead will see much activity taking place in your business sector. Financial gain is also indicated, thanks to Pluto in harmonious alignment to your ruling planet Jupiter. Opportunities to socialize could also lead to romantic encounters, so get out there and be seen if you are in the market for love. With the solar 12th house in the spotlight, you just might prefer to daydream and fantasize for the moment, but rest assured next year it gets better as far as relationships are concerned.
Capricorn: Friends and social contacts are featured this month, and the element of surprise may lurk amongst developments. You have been dealing with a lot of pressure lately, and any chance to blow off steam should be grabbed quickly. There are signs of improvement on your horizon, and children and/or romance are issues being activated soon.  Confidences could shock you this cycle, as you are leaned upon for support. Really, so what’s new?
Aquarius:  Ready, set, go! This month marks the time for being busy on the work-front, and your ability to communicate will serve you well…choose your words wisely and you could end up looking good to superiors. Saturn is activating your “ambition” zone, and this leads you to think about your future and what you can do to gain successes. Conflict may surface between others at home versus demands at work, but this is only a sign of what’s to come. Define goals for the next two years, and get others on board to support you even if “they” seem to be getting less of you now. The payoff is worth the effort.
Pisces: This month finds a cluster of planets in the area of improvement, and overall this signals a good month ahead. However, distance may be an issue to work around…and this is not entirely a matter of miles. In fact mere inches can separate you from something or someone, and a change of attitude can make all the difference in how you experience things. Your relationship life is headed for big changes in the months ahead, so take this cycle to define exactly what you want from a partner and what they want from you in return.
Aries: The money thing…or is it matters of a private nature that has your attention this month? Either way you will be closed mouth about what takes place this cycle, however watch a tendency to become obsessive in your thinking. Things are always hot or cold with you anyway, and this month could bring them to the boiling point. Did you assume this was a bad thing? Or could it be a good thing? Well? Oh, I see you are not talking….
Taurus: It’s about other people this cycle, so getting your needs met may not be the highest priority…unless of course you are in the market to meet someone. In that case this could be an excellent month for meeting a sweet heart. Happily engaged folks might see the spotlight on their partner, as events may be targeted towards them rather than you. Either way, you are likely to be happy about whatever happens. The question is, do you have enough time to address household issues?
Gemini: This is your typical “yuck” month of the year; this does not mean it has to be bad either. However, it does mean having to adjust your schedule possibly at the last moment, and maybe for several occasions. Mercury is well situated with Venus, and this signals a month for good news. Both planets are also connected to Mars and this adds heat, possibly in the form of aggravation so watch what you say to others. Don’t let a moment of impulse cost you more than it need to…take a time out if needed. Siblings are also in the limelight (so to speak).
Cancer: Children, romance and having fun are the themes lit up this month. You have already been dealing with house and family issues as it is, AND carrying an added dose of responsibility too, for almost a year now. So any chance to have fun should be grabbed…you deserve it! Finances may be yet another factor however, as impulse spending could create problems. Another idea could be spending money on a child, or a child (first born) that has money issues seeking your help. Buy a lottery ticket…but within reason please! Lady luck may pay a visit.
Leo: Have you been busy lately? This month continues this theme, although the focus will be on matters close to home. Hopefully this means projects getting done and not disagreements with others. Career matters are taking a turn for the better soon, so use this cycle to address personal matters. You may think about moving in the next four years, so take a look at the house and see what needs addressing if you plan on selling. Then get on with it! Renters may want to start thinking about what they want in a home if they plan on buying in the future. Finally, parents and/or parenting may be yet another issue to confront this month.
Virgo:th for a eight (approx) month stay. You will see the pace of things pick up considerably, especially after April 15th 2012. New beginnings lie on your horizon.
Libra: There are some pluses and minuses as far as money is concerned this month. On the plus side Venus is visiting the area of income and spending, in good company with Mercury the messenger. This implies good news regarding money. On the minus side these planets are aligned with Mars, which can bring about swift events with little planning ahead. Impulsive acts can cause strained pockets, so forewarned is forearmed. The New Moon is favored by Pluto, giving the pluses an edge over the minuses…in other words everything ends up fine.

Scorpio New Moon Forecast

This will be an interesting month of extremes, as Scorpio/Pluto energy abounds. The principle of endings that lead to new beginnings also exists, that can be applied internally as personal transformation, or externally as events involving other people and/or situations. Venus as most elevated planet assures that money and/or love themes will be pronounced...and we may have internal struggles with them. Adding to this idea are the houses being activated, and in this  case they are the money houses too. The "Occupy Wallstreet" campaign will continue to feed off this energy and probably spread elsewhere in terms of headlines.

Venus also dances with Mars, creating a desire to socialize and mix or better yet, a need to do so. This is because of Saturn's presence, and this makes the mood more somber and heavier. Having to work hard at having fun is better than not having any fun at all, so adjust attitudes if needed. Saturn in Libra reminds us daily to "work" at our relationships (all of them) as we can no longer afford to do it alone.

Neptune also turns direct this cycle, and this sleeping giant will offer more clarity to see things as they really are and not as we have been "duped" into thinking. The cloak of mystery that is Neptune comes off, and with more detachment we see what REALLY lies behind the veil. Don't think that others are to blame for your new enlightenment, as chances are you have been too scattered to pay attention to what has been going on. For example, just this week the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that children under the age of two should not be exposed to any form of visual stimulation (tv, computers, digital games, etc) at all...goodbye Sesame Street! Here's a link to check it out:
As surprising as this finding may be for some of you, be aware another (very) similar announcement was made almost ten years ago and it got buried in the headlines. As a consequence, young children are being medicated with drugs like adderall for hyperactivity and making the pharmaceutical companies rich.

It's a month of "ours versus mine" and  doing it alone will not do. The range of feelings that make up the human experience requires us to become vulnerable at times, and this can be uncomfortable for some and terrifying for others. But escaping it is not a choice either.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

There's a Node/Mercury Link Today...

Friday gave us the opportunity to examine the roles of love and pleasure in our lives, and today gives us the opportunity to examine how we listening to what we hear. Are the words you hear kind and supportive? Or are they less than ideal? In what ways have you contributed to what is said today, and if necessary, make a choice to change "you" by examining the words you use and how you express them (or not). 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect Today Is...

A trine to Jupiter, and this makes this day one of the better ones this week. The Virgo energy needs to express itself in a constructive way, and is helped enormously by the presence of Jupiter. Goodwill and generosity should prevail, and a lot can get accomplished!

Friday, October 21, 2011

There's a Node/Venus Link Today...

What a wonderful blend of energies, as the planet of love and pleasure gets an opportunity to express itself in our relationships (of all kinds). Karma is always harvested and/or reaped under Node vibrations, so examine what you receive in terms of love and it the result of what you have sent out?

The Moon's Last Aspect Today Is...

A conjunction to Mars, and this is sure to make the day one to remember. High spirits can add to social exchanges, creating the potential for a really great day. However, the flip side of the coin could be clashing ego's that result in upsets.  Idea to consider? Move that body!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect Today Is...

A Square to Jupiter, making today a day when we could get carried away and take on more than we can chew. The sign of Leo adds a touch of spontaneity to our actions, and this is wonderful for social exchanges. However, do leave the credit card at home.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect Today Is...

A Sqaure to the Sun, creating what is commonly called a 3rd Qtr or Last Qtr Moon. This phase of the month is a time for completing what has been started, for addressing all matters that require discipline and focus. Examine your feelings, and ask yourself if you are being mature in your responses to people and situations.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect Today Is...

A beautiful trine to Venus, making this a great day to enjoy what is beautiful and fun. Although we could be inclined to stay close to home, why not consider doing something like cooking a favorite meal or have company over for dinner?

Friday, October 14, 2011

There's a Venus/Jupiter Link Today

The week ends with the perfect blend for making tonight a "date night", or for planning a get together with friends. Someone may express affection for us and this makes us feel good. With this in mind, be the one that showers someone with'll benefit too!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

There's a Sun/Saturn Link Today

The contact between these two energies is perhaps one of the most important contacts of an entire year, and it signals a time for setting our personal intent. This alignment fuses our personal will with the planet of karma, and having a well thought intention is important to achieving our goals.

Headlines may focus on authority figures, and leaders worldwide will be called upon to answer for their actions...all well and good assuming they have behaved appropriately. If not they will face their report cards in the year ahead; some will topple and others will surge ahead.

On a personal level, find 20 degrees of Libra in your personal chart. Then consciously choose to focus on this area in the year ahead.

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

A conjunction to Jupiter, and this elavates moods and makes today one of the better days this week. The only cautionary warning is to leave the credit card at home, so you can avoid overspending.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

There's a Mercury/Neptune Link Today

The Mercury/Neptune provides creative inspiration, ideal for those that require mental focus to produce quality results. It can also make us more prone to go off into "la-la" land, with the negative potential of wasting time and not getting things done. Even in this case you are likely to not care anyway.

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

An opposition to Mercury and this suggests we may be engaged in a discussion or decision with someone else and possibly not seeing eye to eye. Another consideration could be having a conflict between thoughts and feelings.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

A flowing trine to Mars, which magnifies the Sun/Node link by providing us energy and motivation to get busy and get things done. West Coast folks have a slight disadvantage as the last aspect is an opposition to Saturn...which could zap you of energy by the end of the day. Someone may not agree with your plans and present an obstacle that could thwart your plans.

There's a Sun/Node Link Today

This should provide us with more energy to get a lot accomplished. Male figures could also dominate, perhaps by having the focus of attention drawn towards them. Allow "willful" behavior to be expressed positively rather than through ego gratification.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect Today Is...

An awkward alignment to Mars, and this could create a challenge to getting things accomplished. Remain flexible and allow for interruptions and you will get where you want to go. Venus is the highest degree planet for today, and she smooths out any rough edges that may surface. Plan on doing something enjoyable!

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...And Venus Cuddles With Neptune

A conjunction to Neptune and this brings a "dreamy" quality to today's activities. Our minds may tend to drift and wander, which could enhance creativity or find us escaping into our world of fantasies. We may feel disconnected at times, and it may benefit us to go to bed early. Avoid excessive drug and/or alcohol use.

Adding to this idea is Venus, and she seeks to be pleased. Neptune, her alter ego, is more than happy to please her and so we may indulge ourselves or others so as to satisfy our "urge to merge" with something greater than ourselves. Let your inner Mozart out to play, or allow Mozart (or your favorite artist) to play for you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...& Mercury Talks To Saturn

 A trine to the Sun, and this allows "the energy" within us and around us to flow nicely, as if we are swimming with the tide, rather than against it. This should allow us to accomplish a lot today, allowing us to feel great by the end of the day.

The Mercury/Saturn blend brings a sobering influence to our state of mind, and this could help us to see the pluses and the minuses of a situation and/or person. This in turn allows us to make decisions with a clear understanding of the facts. Avoid voicing criticism.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

A sextile to Uranus and this brings up spontaneous opportunities that must be seized in the moment! Getting out and about and mixing with others brings rewarding experiences.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

A square to Venus and this intensifies our desires, although we may find it difficult to acquire true satisfaction. Leave the credit card at home, and schedule social events for another day.

Monday, October 3, 2011

There's a Mars/Jupiter Square Today & The Moon "Acts" Up Too

Following yesterday's high enthusiasm we have yet another opportunity to maintain that "good feeling". Days like today feel like we could fly, and with confidence we face challenges as if they didn't exist. However one word of caution: have some idea of your destination or you could get scattered and fail to arrive where you intended.

Be careful over the next two days as the Moon triggers off tense energies that make up the "big picture"...contacts to Pluto, Uranus and Saturn are enough as it is! But the Moon will also activate the Sun, Mercury and eventually Venus too. Most of these contacts are stressful so walk carefully these two days and consciously choose to NOT "rock the boat".

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

A square to the Sun, creating the 1st Quarter phase of the lunar cycle. This is a time for movement, be it literal or figurative. An idea(s) has been brewing over the past week and you now feel compelled to act on it. Go ahead and do so, keeping in mind that your ultimate goal may take longer to achieve. Yin and yang energies compete to find balance.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

A harmonious sextile to Venus! This is a great energy blend for entertaining and socializing, or for decorating and fixing up. As Venus also rules money it could indicate spending, although probably on items that provide pleasure. Couples everywhere should make tonight date night!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Moon's Last Aspect For Today Is...

A sextile to Mercury and this promises to make this a day of talk, talk and more talking! Engage your brain cells in whatever fashion suits you, and if time permits, connect with someone you have been out of touch with lately.

Today Features A Sun/Jupiter Contact

This blend of planets uplifts moods and makes anything ALMOST possible. Spread your wings and take a stab at doing whatever suits your fancy...but be careful of taking on too much