Monday, October 31, 2011

Scorpio New Moon Forecast

This will be an interesting month of extremes, as Scorpio/Pluto energy abounds. The principle of endings that lead to new beginnings also exists, that can be applied internally as personal transformation, or externally as events involving other people and/or situations. Venus as most elevated planet assures that money and/or love themes will be pronounced...and we may have internal struggles with them. Adding to this idea are the houses being activated, and in this  case they are the money houses too. The "Occupy Wallstreet" campaign will continue to feed off this energy and probably spread elsewhere in terms of headlines.

Venus also dances with Mars, creating a desire to socialize and mix or better yet, a need to do so. This is because of Saturn's presence, and this makes the mood more somber and heavier. Having to work hard at having fun is better than not having any fun at all, so adjust attitudes if needed. Saturn in Libra reminds us daily to "work" at our relationships (all of them) as we can no longer afford to do it alone.

Neptune also turns direct this cycle, and this sleeping giant will offer more clarity to see things as they really are and not as we have been "duped" into thinking. The cloak of mystery that is Neptune comes off, and with more detachment we see what REALLY lies behind the veil. Don't think that others are to blame for your new enlightenment, as chances are you have been too scattered to pay attention to what has been going on. For example, just this week the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that children under the age of two should not be exposed to any form of visual stimulation (tv, computers, digital games, etc) at all...goodbye Sesame Street! Here's a link to check it out:
As surprising as this finding may be for some of you, be aware another (very) similar announcement was made almost ten years ago and it got buried in the headlines. As a consequence, young children are being medicated with drugs like adderall for hyperactivity and making the pharmaceutical companies rich.

It's a month of "ours versus mine" and  doing it alone will not do. The range of feelings that make up the human experience requires us to become vulnerable at times, and this can be uncomfortable for some and terrifying for others. But escaping it is not a choice either.


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