Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Aquarius New Moon Sun Sign Forecasts

Aquarius: Your year starts off with Venus turning direct as this New Moon arrives, and your ruling planet nicely aligned to the New Moon as well. This signals a month for “opportunity” to almost land in your lap, although a little elbow grease could certainly help too! Even so, opportunity may arrive when you least expect it, so be prepared to act decisively and at the spur of the moment. Other people, especially at the day to day level (including employees) could be in a position to help you considerably, although there are indications that a new healthy program could also get underway.  Changes in routine are being activated, perhaps through job and/or housing developments. A furry four legged animal could also make life interesting! Social contacts are in a position to help you, so reach out and touch someone. Mercury could send news that is serious in nature, with a subsequent need to take action, affecting business and/or parents.

Pisces: This is your “low time” of the year, a month for cleansing if possible. Consider options for implementing improvement into your routine, and then commit to one month of sticking with it. Friends and/or children are targets for major developments, and you may benefit from their help. Your creative/spiritual energies are running higher than normal, in fact so much so that you understand the world better than ever before. If you can dream it then make it happen! Mercury offers a chance to pull back and review a plan for the future, and decisions may eventually be huge in scope or connect to foreign or faraway places.

Aries: Big changes are targeted towards career and/or housing, and if you are in a committed relationship your partner may have to be considered before making these changes. This is not always easy for an independent sign like yours, so expect to have to make compromises. You are on the brink of new beginnings, which have an element of surprise to them, but secretly you can’t wait for them to happen. Don’t rush, as all things happen in good time. Mercury brings unexpected news, maybe connected to a friend, and the course of action to take depends on finances held with others (including banks).

Taurus: Career matters are in the spotlight, as well as your public image. What you do or say matters, as the potential for news to spread casts far and wide. You may hear of an opportunity, perhaps at a distance, but be prepared to act quickly. Matters far away may grab your attention, possibly as an unplanned trip. Contracts and legal matters are also highlighted. Mercury activates the career zone, so news is likely to come from this area, although a partner could also be highlighted.

Gemini: Finances should soon improve, perhaps as an unexpected opportunity you hear about, possibly at some distance. Travel and legal matters are other considerations, as well as matters connected to in-laws, aunts, uncles and cousins. Mercury moves into the career zone later than usual, thanks to a retrograde, giving you added time to sort out your future until then. Possibilities and potential loom ahead, and figuring out which direction to take is your task at hand.

Cancer: This cycle finds either a crisis in the making and/or money matters highlighted. Don’t panic however, because what’s really going on is private and emotions need to be kept in check. Your comfort zone may have to make way for other considerations, possibly far more important, and letting go of the familiar may have to be considered. With Jupiter well placed, changes are likely to turn out better than expected. Mercury activates conversations with others (including the issue of money), and the need to act could affect children and/or social activities. In light of other options, this is a best case scenario. Let go if needed.

Leo: It’s a month for others, especially if you have a partner, personal or business. Opportunity may arrive involving other people, this in turn affects you. Changes in day to day routine are also indicated, possibly including health improvement programs. Your association with partners (or others) may lead to decisions eventually that impact the domestic zone. However hold off doing so until after March 1st.  News at this time may influence your partner’s income and/or spending, but you are better off researching facts before making decisions.

Virgo: Day to day activities could see a significant development this cycle, usually in the form of job related events. However, health and pets are other ideas to consider. You may have a lot on your mind, with looming changes that are dynamic and/or dramatic and in this sense routines may change greatly. Your allies are your friends and social connections, so reach out for help if needed. An old love lingers on your mind, or a new one could be getting serious really fast. Mercury brings news that connects to diet or employment, and impacts on your state of mind in a significant but stable manner.  Siblings may also be highlighted.

Libra: Single? You could connect with someone this cycle, and either way the social aspect of this region for the New Moon promises some fun. Children are another idea to consider, and events affecting them may in turn impact you. Big changes lie on the horizon and impact your job and/or housing situation, if not already then soon enough. Mercury sends messages that could trigger creativity, but avoid the potential for making “mountains out of molehills”. Over dramatizing will not help matters, but a display of love could “move mountains”.

Scorpio: Family and housing issues get center stage this month, and it is in these areas a major development looms. Parents should also be considered. Repairs and/or intended moves may require your time, even if in the process of researching options. News is also centered in this region, and of all signs you feel the weight of responsibility to follow through. Another idea to consider is making you “number one” and forging ahead with your agenda, although important projects make have to be put off for some time.

Sagittarius: Siblings, neighbors, cars and mental activities are highlighted, meaning events could be connected to them. Either way it’s a month to receive information and to process ideas. At the very least you could expend a lot of mental energy, however avoid equipment breakdowns by not doing anything unless it’s absolutely necessary. Fixing a broken car or computer is a headache unto itself, and even worse when Mercury is retrograde.

Capricorn: Money is the central issue this cycle, possibly as an opportunity to make money and/or spend it. Don’t allow impulsiveness to tempt you to buy unnecessary things. Even so, opportunity looms so look for ways to increase finances or help your bottom line. News may arrive with money as the major factor, but hold off making decisions until after March 1st. You will likely gain from “others” in due time, thanks to Jupiter. The benefits of Jupiter tend to arrive after turning direct, which occurs in early March.

General Forecast Aquarius New Moon

The New Moon in Aquarius takes place on January 30th 2014 at 4:38 PM (placed in Washington, DC). It features Leo rising, Uranus as the most elevated planet and the 7th house emphasized. So what does all this mean?

First we consider Leo rising, which represents the “face” of the cycle ahead, and Leo signals drama and extravagance. Royalty, sports figures and glamorous performers (stars) are other ideas to consider, and developments could be connected with one of these figures. The North Node is also the same degree of this Leo rising, suggesting a karmic pattern is unfolding, with the emphasis on “me versus you”. Our actions have consequences, at least on the karmic level. In fact, this cycle could be one of finding balance and cooperation between ourselves and others.

Uranus as most elevated planet suggests that there’s an element of surprise to this month’s energies, which comes from other people rather than us. Oddly enough, we are sure to be a “someone else to someone else”, leaving little room for ourselves. In other words it’s a month for having our lives intertwined, with last minute developments cropping up without warning. Being flexible is key, and having a Plan B will help.
The 7th house emphasizes the concept of relationships, which presumably might connect to gay and lesbian rights. Regardless, the rights of others could also be expressed through what is just and fair, perhaps through a high profile case that captures headlines. This is also considered the house of open enemies, which presumes we could become the recipients of anger/aggression, from within our boundaries as well as out. On a minor cosmic level this idea could also play out individually, so pick your battles wisely.
Mercury retrogrades from February 6-28th, so don’t sign contracts, make important decisions, download or install software and buy or discard electrical items. Use this period to research and investigate rather than acting on ideas. The messenger contacts Saturn too, suggesting an air of seriousness to conversations and or potential decisions being considered.  Once again the element of surprise is activated, as the sign of Aquarius (and Pisces) is being contacted. Radical or rebellious energies are also emphasized, possibly due to secrets being revealed (Pisces) or because those unable to help themselves need help (Pisces). Be careful in exposing more than you should, as retrogrades never work out as expected. So avoid getting too worked up over developments, and give it time to see what really happens.

Finally Jupiter links hands with Pluto (and Venus) this cycle, and eventually this means something better for the masses. Opposing forces are uniting to create something that will help the majority, an idea that can be applied on a personal level by looking at the houses that contain Capricorn and Cancer. This idea gains added strength once Jupiter turns direct March 6th.

The looming message on the horizon is the word “relationships” and particularly through finding compromise and cooperation. It’s enough to have a Mars retrograde in Libra, but in two months time the North Node will also enter Libra. The “me, me, me” attitude will have to make room for “us, us, us” and in doing so find balance. Could the end of polarized thinking lie ahead?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

On Opposite Sides: Jupiter & Pluto - Family or Business?

January 24-February 2 find Pluto and Jupiter linked, and this could result in a HUGE development involving someone else. January 28th gets extra attention as the Moon joins the mix, triggering emotions and/or tempers. BIG changes are in the air, and creating them will take the effort of other people to succeed. This idea remains in effect for several more months, so research options and obtain information that can be put into motion by late May.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Is Mercury sending a signal?

Today (and yesterday) may be reflected by events happening near February 28th. "Signals" via Mercury the messenger are being activated, so mark your planner for that date and journal activities now to see if there's a connection between now and February 28th. If you're interested in understanding astrology then do this exercise!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happy Birthday Aquarius!

Aquarius Sun Sign Birthday Offer: The retrograde of Mars activates the area of travel, foreign connections, publishing, legal matters, in-laws and higher learning. Thorns may surface connected to one of these areas in the months ahead, however the long term looks great. The concept of IMPROVEMENT gets triggered for the next 2 years, and with Saturn in the area of career your hard work should pay off soon. This is tempered with Jupiter in the area of health and employment, and this should help you enormously on the day to day level. Singletons may meet someone special over the next year, whereas committed Aquarius's find their partner at the receiving end of something positive. Other people may factor into much activity for this year, not only because of Mars but also because you are under the influence of a “Full Moon”. This could also mean a year to reap your harvest! You are encouraged to understand what these will mean for you personally by scheduling an appointment. Special price of $75.00 / 800-756-7563. Offer Expires: February 17th, 2014.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

This is a clock in the town center of a city in Belgium that I visited in 2010. Look closely and you see the "numbers" are actually astrological signs. How cool! This shows how pervasive astrology has been historically, as well as dating back centuries. On a different note, today finds a link between Mercury and Pluto so we may get a "blast from the past" or find ourselves unable to get a thought out of our mind. Other possibilities include "acid tongue disorder" (what we say may have a really sharp edge) or becoming privy to news that is meant to be kept secret and/or scandalous.  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Uranus & Mercury Connection of Today

Thoughts and ideas lend themselves to moments of brilliance if intention and expectations (attitude) are aligned for the greater good. Sharp tongues can be witty or whacky, so watch for "foot in mouth" moments. Potentially a great day for mental activities. Although we all travel the same roads, we can choose the company we keep and the support they offer with grace and gratitude.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cancer/Capricorn Full Moon

There's a Full Moon today and it is powerful! We could feel torn between matters of a personal nature (home and family) versus matters of a business nature, and the tension this produces can be intense. Coupled with this is a sense of urgency that may determine the day's outcome (and possibly for the next few days). There are other "calming" influences that suggest a more positive outcome than first expected. FEELINGS are the key to what drives us, for good or bad, so acknowledge what you feel and re-frame these feelings if needed. SHIFT HAPPENS!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Neptune & The North Node

Neptune aligns beautifully with the North Node today, and this offers us a chance to express our spiritual potential and/or creative talents. Connections with other people could help you considerably, so "reach out and touch someone" (even digitally) and see what happens!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Highest Degree Planet Today Is Mercury

Mercury (the messenger) is the highest degree planet today, so "expect to connect"! Our minds are active, and channeling this into projects or activities can lead to much productivity. Ideas may spark other ideas, leading to "problem solving" and/or discussions that are easier to have because we are more receptive to listening rather than hearing.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mars & Jupiter Link Up Today

Today finds the planet of excess connecting to the planet of action, so expect to go overboard with activities today. Even so, the elevated enthusiasm we feel allows us to tackle projects with gusto, especially ones that crop up spontaneously or that have been put off for some time. Need a dose of confidence? Today should provide plenty, but watch for stepping on toes that could cause upsets (and most likely not intended in the first place).

Keep the checkbook out of harm's way. Purchases could be impulsive, and lead to regrets later.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Sun & Jupiter Link Up Today

A pleasant link between the Sun and Jupiter offer a better day (or attitude) that brings optimism and/or encouraging ideas for now and the future, or at the very least an ability to blow off troubles (even if for a day).

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Predictions Now Available Free!

Free to those that want them...just simply contact me and I will send them via email. The document is too long for posting on this blog, hence the email request. Please share with anyone that is interested!!

Happy New Year too, and a New Moon to boot!

Have you heard the sun's magnetic field is about to flip?

According to NASA this process has already started, approximately in the year 2008, with the second half of the process under way now. The entire process takes 11 years to complete, which is an interesting astrological phenomenon in terms of cycles.

Master astrologer (and teacher) Robert Buz Myers was particularly known for his work with phases, and in the phase cycle there are two important shifts that take place every 11 years! These shifts are aligned with either assertive and/or receptive energies, commonly called Gibbous and Balsamic phases. At each of these phase shifts "wobbles" occur, leading to significant life events. On the natural zodiac wheel the first occasion occurs approximately at age 11, which signals the arrival of impending puberty. Each of the these phases lasts 3 1/2 years, meaning that at age 11 through 14 1/2 years old we are under going this "wobble"-- a clear association with puberty! The next "wobble" occurs from ages 24 1/2 to 28 years old, marking a time for a young person to enter the real world of adulthood. This also corresponds with the Saturn return, and at this time the realities of being a responsible adult hit home hard, and often with some dismay. Even so, most people make this transition and go on the make their mark in the world.

As time proceeds forward, we collectively encounter "wobbles" every 11 years, and these junction points reflect globally as well as personally. An examination of your personal chart can fine tune when these "wobbles" will affect you most, and you can bet when they do fireworks are in the making!

Note: the term "wobble" is credited to Robert Buz Myers