Wednesday, January 29, 2014

General Forecast Aquarius New Moon

The New Moon in Aquarius takes place on January 30th 2014 at 4:38 PM (placed in Washington, DC). It features Leo rising, Uranus as the most elevated planet and the 7th house emphasized. So what does all this mean?

First we consider Leo rising, which represents the “face” of the cycle ahead, and Leo signals drama and extravagance. Royalty, sports figures and glamorous performers (stars) are other ideas to consider, and developments could be connected with one of these figures. The North Node is also the same degree of this Leo rising, suggesting a karmic pattern is unfolding, with the emphasis on “me versus you”. Our actions have consequences, at least on the karmic level. In fact, this cycle could be one of finding balance and cooperation between ourselves and others.

Uranus as most elevated planet suggests that there’s an element of surprise to this month’s energies, which comes from other people rather than us. Oddly enough, we are sure to be a “someone else to someone else”, leaving little room for ourselves. In other words it’s a month for having our lives intertwined, with last minute developments cropping up without warning. Being flexible is key, and having a Plan B will help.
The 7th house emphasizes the concept of relationships, which presumably might connect to gay and lesbian rights. Regardless, the rights of others could also be expressed through what is just and fair, perhaps through a high profile case that captures headlines. This is also considered the house of open enemies, which presumes we could become the recipients of anger/aggression, from within our boundaries as well as out. On a minor cosmic level this idea could also play out individually, so pick your battles wisely.
Mercury retrogrades from February 6-28th, so don’t sign contracts, make important decisions, download or install software and buy or discard electrical items. Use this period to research and investigate rather than acting on ideas. The messenger contacts Saturn too, suggesting an air of seriousness to conversations and or potential decisions being considered.  Once again the element of surprise is activated, as the sign of Aquarius (and Pisces) is being contacted. Radical or rebellious energies are also emphasized, possibly due to secrets being revealed (Pisces) or because those unable to help themselves need help (Pisces). Be careful in exposing more than you should, as retrogrades never work out as expected. So avoid getting too worked up over developments, and give it time to see what really happens.

Finally Jupiter links hands with Pluto (and Venus) this cycle, and eventually this means something better for the masses. Opposing forces are uniting to create something that will help the majority, an idea that can be applied on a personal level by looking at the houses that contain Capricorn and Cancer. This idea gains added strength once Jupiter turns direct March 6th.

The looming message on the horizon is the word “relationships” and particularly through finding compromise and cooperation. It’s enough to have a Mars retrograde in Libra, but in two months time the North Node will also enter Libra. The “me, me, me” attitude will have to make room for “us, us, us” and in doing so find balance. Could the end of polarized thinking lie ahead?


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