Monday, November 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Sagittarius !!

Your year features a Mars cycle (lasting through June 2018) activating the zone of closure and completion, which paves the way for big new beginnings. This means releasing what is no longer working so that you can embrace a future worth living! An added bonus is having your prayers answered and validated above and beyond your expectations, as of God is really on your side. Another area getting the spotlight is work, and a major decision could be reached before your next birthday. Venus begins a new cycle next year, and she activated the home and family zone, and this is where you will find joy and happiness. Whether this means moving or decorating & fixing up you are sure to enjoy yourself.  Saturn in your sign has at times been demanding, and leaving you to feel as if you are older than you really are. However, the karma of years past will shower you with opportunity now and in the years ahead. You are encouraged to understand what this will mean for you personally by scheduling an appointment.

March 2015 marks the “progressive” stage beginning to take effect between Pluto and Uranus, signaling radical shifts among established institutions. These past three years have been really tough, and finally there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. It will be a slow (but upward) climb up from having hit rock bottom, and there’s hope for the future. With Saturn in Sagittarius, and Mars activating this sign too, expect passions to rise and opinions to be bombastic. Echoes of this have already arrived, as Donald Trump gains in popularity because of his polarizing views. With Neptune and Saturn in square aspect don’t be surprised to discover that he might actually be acting on behalf of Hillary, and in the process exposing the worst aspects of political manipulation dating back decades.

The fee for this special recorded one-hour session is $88.00 (credit or debit cards only-sorry no checks). As an additional incentive, the first twenty callers will receive a free report, each valued between $25.00 and $50.00. Consultations and reports are now available to send via the Internet at no charge. ($10.00 Snail Mail)

Thanks and Happy Birthday to You!!
RKM, PO Box 1000, Moyock, NC 27958

Monday, November 7, 2016

Happy Birthday Scorpio !!

Your year features a Mars cycle (lasting through June 2018) activating the zone of “me, myself & I” as well as the idea of new beginnings. This may mean focusing your attention of physical issues, and you are sure to be busy for the next two years.  Another area getting the spotlight is work, and added responsibilities will pay-off handsomely beginning next year and continuing into 2018.  A Venus cycle starting in April activates the zone of children, as well as romance for those that are single. Saturn in your sign income and wage sector signals a more serious attitude towards money, and may also factor into job changes. Your values are undergoing a change too, which ultimately affects every decision made. Mars in the zone of cars, siblings and neighbors could see events being triggered for one of these concerns. You are encouraged to understand what this will mean for you personally by scheduling an appointment.

March 2015 marks the “progressive” stage beginning to take effect between Pluto and Uranus, signaling radical shifts among established institutions. These past three years have been really tough, and finally there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. It will be a slow (but upward) climb up from having hit rock bottom, and there’s hope for the future. With Saturn in Sagittarius, and Mars activating this sign too, expect passions to rise and opinions to be bombastic. Echoes of this have already arrived, as Donald Trump gains in popularity because of his polarizing views. With Neptune and Saturn in square aspect don’t be surprised to discover that he might actually be acting on behalf of Hillary, and in the process exposing the worst aspects of political manipulation dating back decades.

The fee for this special recorded one-hour session is $88.00 (credit or debit cards only-sorry no checks). As an additional incentive, the first twenty callers will receive a free report, each valued between $25.00 and $50.00. Consultations and reports are now available to send via the Internet at no charge. ($10.00 Snail Mail).  ~See special offer on right~

Thanks and Happy Birthday to You!!
RKM, PO Box 1000, Moyock, NC 27958

Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Birthday Virgo !!

Your year starts off with a BANG and so where to begin? Perhaps most important are Eclipses activating your sign, indicating new directions and desires that motivate you into action. You are harvesting karma, and most likely hard earned from eons ago. This year has EXPANSION written all over it, and with mental energies in high gear this may lead to traveling and/or learning. Excitement abounds, and among improvements are financial ones.  More money may also mean more spending, with a big ticket item indicated. The “Mars cycle” activates the housing and family zone, suggesting moves or renovation projects, as well as changes in who actually lives in your home. This generally means BIG changes within the next two years. Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in the sign of Virgo too, at least as your year starts, and this implies good news is about to arrive! You are encouraged to understand what this will mean for you personally by scheduling an appointment.

March 2015 marks the “progressive” stage beginning to take effect between Pluto and Uranus, signaling radical shifts among established institutions. These past three years have been really tough, and finally there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. It will be a slow (but upward) climb up from having hit rock bottom, and there’s hope for the future. With Saturn in Sagittarius, and Mars activating this sign too, expect passions to rise and opinions to be bombastic. Echoes of this have already arrived, as Donald Trump gains in popularity because of his polarizing views. It is the issue of TRUTH that speaks to the hearts and minds of listeners, even if we don’t agree with context of what is being expressed.

The fee for this special recorded one-hour session is $88.00 (credit or debit cards only-sorry no checks). As an additional incentive, the first twenty callers will receive a free report, each valued between $25.00 and $50.00. Consultations and reports are now available to send via the Internet at no charge. ($10.00 Snail Mail)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Donald Trump & USA's Chart Comparison

Donald Trump: Gemini "the Magician of the Zodiac"

Donald Trump has captured the ears of many, with his quick witty Gemini Sun, a sign known for being a wizard with words. Just as likely is a change of heart, which helps to explain his stance on views that can change day to day. With the power to use words swiftly and spontaneously, Gemini wins others over by seeming to be able to relate to everyone. This sign can debate all sides of an issue, and win each side every time. This produces a real wizard at flip flopping (a term used in USA politics for a reason that also encompasses the sign of Gemini). 

Which brings us to a red flag of sorts, because you never really know what side Gemini really stands for or supports. The connection to the USA's chart is found with Trump's Sun contacting the USA's Mars, the "warrior planet" and recent clashes at his rallies speaks to this energy. Trump gets emotions and passions roused, which Mars (via his supporters for and against him) responds to re-actively rather than through reason. Mars REALLY likes you or hates you, with no middle ground. On the positive side, Trump has rallied both sides by engaging us in political issues, especially for those that have not voted in years (so say the statistics). 

The USA's Mars in Gemini has seen political leaders use the power of words (coupled with the Cancer need for patriotism) to build a case for war(s) that date back to our inception as a nation. Like it or not, the USA has used aggression to make gains (and money) in order to arrive as the "super power" of the world. This is about to change, as the USA will soon have a Pluto return. Power is what Pluto represents, and that power is going to see a seismic shift within the next ten year...but that's another story for another time.

Karmic connections exist between people via the Nodes, and such connections always represent the development of the soul. Does a country like the USA have a soul? We shall see, as Trump's Node in Gemini exactly contacts the USA's Mars, another Mars energy! And Mars governs the USA's zone of leaders and business. Like him or not, it appears Trump has activated the Mars principle for the USA and this means heated exchanges rather than (gentler) diplomatic ones. And the fight is far from over...and a planet like Mars loves a good fight.

PS: does it seem likely Trump will win? More on that later... 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Mar 12-19th the Sun is highest degree planet.

Energizing! Let's get things done. (ego issues could surface too)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Sun/Chiron day...

..."let's end this!" What needs to healing in your life?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

What will the Solar Eclipse mean for your sign?

2016 Solar Eclipse 19 Pisces
This Solar Eclipse brings events from late last summer (September) into the spotlight again, providing insights and revelations that can further our aims. Like a tidal wave, they come rushing in quickly and can dramatically change the landscape, often with little or no warning. Even so, they are said to be the “hand of God” working, and for this reason an element of fate exists. It’s almost as if God announces “OK let’s get on with it!” and ultimately pushes us towards new directions/adventures. This is not to say that the process is easy, but the eventual outcome is perceived as being in our best interests.

The Eclipse of last September brought up issues tied to work, pets, diet and health. Most likely you (or someone close to you) had an event tied to one of these issues that caused a great deal of drama, which increases emotions (for good or bad). As a consequence, daily routines often get jolted and may lead to changes that are dramatic. The 19 Pisces Eclipse will re-activate this earlier Eclipse by allowing us to move on, and let go if needed. Pisces brings out the other worldly, often through creativity, mysticism and escapism. Pisces embodies the idea of “dreams coming true”, as the need for faith/belief is so strong with this sign. Consequently, this sign is said to have more billionaires than any other sign. So when Eclipses activate this sign it is prudent to dream big, assuming you have any dreams in the first place. For many this is the first stumbling block, and without a vision/dream life becomes a series of random developments that cause reactions rather proactive projections of desire. The planet that “disposits” this Eclipse is Mercury, adding to the idea that “what you think you attract”.

The 19 Pisces Solar Eclipse activates both Jupiter and Saturn, and flavors this Eclipse with the potential for success through hard work and effort. The pay off will be opportunity for growth, expansion, and improvement akin to hitting “pay dirt”. Most likely this will mean working with others (as opposed to you calling the shots), who are able to assist you in achieving goals. It brings to mind the idea of a “win win” situation for everybody involved. However, don’t discount the amount of work involved. There may be a lot of effort needed, but the payoff should loom on the horizon and keep us motivated. And the results are likely to be big.  

Aries: The idea of releasing and letting go, and taking time to smell the roses comes to mind, and you are invited to do things that bring out your softer, gentler side. The Pisces/Virgo Eclipses are bringing big changes in daily routines, perhaps as a result of a major ending or completion in your life. Health issues such as losing weight or stabilizing blood sugar may need addressing, or it could be the job that sees major change. Far off distances may beckon, perhaps as travel or news from extended family members (aunts/uncles/cousins/siblings). The zone of legal matters, higher education and publishing completes the triangle of energies being activated, bringing the potential for events to develop in one of these areas.

Taurus: You may wonder why it is everyone is contacting you (and wanting to do things) as this Eclipse activates social zones. Being involved in an organization is another possibility; perhaps as a treasurer (you do handle money well!). Across from this lies the children, romance and having fun zone and major events could be unfolding with one of these ideas. Vacations are more appealing, and having fun is just what the doctor ordered. That said money may become an issue that holds you back, or in some way ties to one of these ideas. In time a situation may arise that requires handing very quickly, and may be tinged with elevated emotions.  

Gemini: The zone of business is in high focus, and the weeks to come offer opportunity that allows you to shine! Make an effort to do your best, and with your gift of words besides you, explore ways to better your situation. Success leads to more contentment at home, where Jupiter shines and allows for home improvements. This may mean moving, fixing up or having family members coming or going. Either way you are sure to be pleased with your personal world, with one exception: your partner. If committed your relationship may be tested, and if weak and unable to weather a storm, lead to a parting of the ways. If your relationship is good, then your partner is dealing with serious issues that in turn impact you. Single? Maybe not for long…<3

Cancer: Your future comes into focus, and with it increasing ambition to set goals. “The sky the limit”, and with confidence under your belt you can make headway on important goals. Travel, legal matters, in-laws, publishing, siblings and higher learning are areas that get energized off this Eclipse, and ultimately providing better results than expected. You may have to work hard for desired results, which means taking care of yourself as much as others. Mentally speaking you are in a good place and this helps you balance your feelings with actions and intentions.  

Leo: The focus is on money, and may include money beyond wages and income. “Other sources” are also emphasized and may include things like settlements, inheritances, the selling of property, investments and gifts. Another possibility could be changes in partner’s income that in turn affects you. Bank loans are also favored. At the other end of the spectrum lies spending, and most likely on a large item. Children or younger people may demand attention, and may even bring up responsibility issues. This idea applies to people of all ages.

Virgo: Your sign is experiencing Eclipses too, and this signals big changes on all fronts. In particular the area of relationships is in focus, and if single then this could indicate meeting someone this year. If committed your partner is undergoing big changes that in turn affect you. With Jupiter in positive alignment to your sign, you could be the one with opportunity knocking at your door. Seek and you should find that life is better than your expectations (you worry wart you). Home and family demands time and attention too, and may signal changes in either area. Although this may cause you occasional moments of unease, rest assured you will manage to keep your world in order.

Libra: The pace of things may be spiraling faster than you can handle, and keeping everyday routines running smoothly may be a challenge. This leads to events that cause routines to change, like moving, getting a new job and/or relationship changes. The only downside to this could be health issues, although this could be avoided if you meet challenges head on and deal with them. Trying to pretend that you can keep it all together creates stress, and stress is bad for health. Once you decide to bite the bullet and make a change you will wonder what took you so long. Oh, and let’s not forget that pets are capable of unconditional love, and a four legged heart stealing bundle of fur may be waiting for you to call as mom (or dad).

Scorpio: Social zones are in high focus, and this brings the idea of having fun into high gear. Having fun brings children to mind, and a child may be factored into a very important development. Vacations are another idea to consider, and the time is perfect for letting your hair down! Friends also play an important role in your life now, and this could mean being more involved with friend(s) or developing a new one. Activities that center on organizations can act as the stage for social interaction, and you may even be asked to take a more formal role within the organization. Dare we add that a dream could come true? Yes, but more likely a long held dream, rather than winning a lottery.

Sagittarius:  You are being called to take life seriously by focusing attention on your well-being, and in the process you might not be as jolly as you normally are known to be with others. However, you also have more discipline at hand than ever before, ensuring progress over time. Business matters are benefited with Jupiter’s presence and this may lead to promotions or other offers that allow you to “climb the corporate ladder”.  Stretch yourself this year, and seek better opportunities. Home is where the heart is, and this Eclipse signals big changes in this area. Positive work results can help balance out your personal life, however expect to find moments when work and home are pulling you in two different directions.

Capricorn: Paperwork, contracts and all forms of writing and communicating are being activated for your sign, and this is sure to have you mentally charged. To say that you have a lot on your mind is an understatement! The power of words makes a big difference, and can be used so that you speak up and “walk your talk”. Problem solving is one of your strengths, and may be called into action to solve a tough issue. Far off places and/or people may factor into what you are dealing with, as well as legal matters, publishing and higher learning. Jupiter’s presence here suggests a better outcome, better than you might have imagined. Saturn acts to help bring a situation to a final conclusion, which lays the foundation for a new beginning soon.

Aquarius: The issue of money is being activated, which brings up changes in income and wages. For some this might mean raises, while others might decide that it’s time to embrace new horizons and go after new sources of money. As a result of this, there could be major purchases ahead. Others are in the position of helping you, so reach out and ask for help. This may mean approaching a bank, or reaching out to friends and/or organizations. It’s also possible that a death brings about all these changes, but this is not meant to strike concern. If this applies it is likely to have already occurred. The concept of a crisis is another idea, but rest assured you have things under control and will manage them well.

Pisces: Your sign is most affected by this Eclipse (and others to come) signaling the idea of a new chapter in your life. These may come as the result of events affecting other people, possibly through your partner. The end result brings big changes that require you to get busy and get moving, especially as it related to business. Your “time to shine” has arrived, and hard work is sure to pay off nicely. Singletons may not be single for long, while committed Pisces may see their partners experiencing big changes (through effort) that bring positive end results. The zone of parents is also being energized, perhaps requiring your time and attention. Set an example of being “a dreamer” and let the world witness the wonder of them coming true.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mars as highest degree planet

During this period the "tone of the day" will be flavored with a tendency to react very quickly; leading to resentment, anger, frustration and possible regrets. Emotions can be more forceful too, and when possible take a deep breath and know that this too shall pass. Avoid making mountains out of molehills. We could also push to get things done as quickly as possible, and tripping over details in the process.

Monday, February 29, 2016

No One Is Paying Attention....So Why Am I Doing This?

The world of ever changing technology creates excitement when conquering something like Blogger or WordPress, but more often than not leads to the question "why am I doing this"? No one is paying attention, except for Facebook, which will soon rule the world. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It's been a while since posting a blog....

I have been out of touch for some time now because of my Mom's challenging health issues that led to her passing on November 13th (a Friday interestingly enough). I had the honor of being with her at this critical time, and am thankful for the support of medical professionals that also helped. Regardless of how much you think you are prepared for an event of this nature, when it does occur it sweeps you away into a world far removed from the one we are most familiar with on this earthly plane.

A memorial service was held on January 16th, and at this time I (and others) celebrated her life with memories of her generous and kind nature through our personal experiences with her. A maverick in the real sense, she gave me the opportunity (life) to live out my karma as the first role model to stand up to. Words can never completely convey the numerous things that could be said, suffice it to say I will miss Mom and look forward to connecting again some time in the near distant future. I love you Mom.
 Anyone interested in viewing the memorial ceremony may do so via Google Drive and supplying an email address (send to