Monday, March 21, 2016

Donald Trump & USA's Chart Comparison

Donald Trump: Gemini "the Magician of the Zodiac"

Donald Trump has captured the ears of many, with his quick witty Gemini Sun, a sign known for being a wizard with words. Just as likely is a change of heart, which helps to explain his stance on views that can change day to day. With the power to use words swiftly and spontaneously, Gemini wins others over by seeming to be able to relate to everyone. This sign can debate all sides of an issue, and win each side every time. This produces a real wizard at flip flopping (a term used in USA politics for a reason that also encompasses the sign of Gemini). 

Which brings us to a red flag of sorts, because you never really know what side Gemini really stands for or supports. The connection to the USA's chart is found with Trump's Sun contacting the USA's Mars, the "warrior planet" and recent clashes at his rallies speaks to this energy. Trump gets emotions and passions roused, which Mars (via his supporters for and against him) responds to re-actively rather than through reason. Mars REALLY likes you or hates you, with no middle ground. On the positive side, Trump has rallied both sides by engaging us in political issues, especially for those that have not voted in years (so say the statistics). 

The USA's Mars in Gemini has seen political leaders use the power of words (coupled with the Cancer need for patriotism) to build a case for war(s) that date back to our inception as a nation. Like it or not, the USA has used aggression to make gains (and money) in order to arrive as the "super power" of the world. This is about to change, as the USA will soon have a Pluto return. Power is what Pluto represents, and that power is going to see a seismic shift within the next ten year...but that's another story for another time.

Karmic connections exist between people via the Nodes, and such connections always represent the development of the soul. Does a country like the USA have a soul? We shall see, as Trump's Node in Gemini exactly contacts the USA's Mars, another Mars energy! And Mars governs the USA's zone of leaders and business. Like him or not, it appears Trump has activated the Mars principle for the USA and this means heated exchanges rather than (gentler) diplomatic ones. And the fight is far from over...and a planet like Mars loves a good fight.

PS: does it seem likely Trump will win? More on that later... 


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