Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Pluto/Uranus Square...Reconnecting to the 1960's

The over riding astrological influence of the year ahead is the 1st Quarter square (think taking action) between Pluto and Uranus, and it remains with us for the next three years. This brings a lot of tension and stress to our collective consciousness, and it will demand (and achieve) radical change as an end result. The "birth" of this energy occurred in the 1960's and a review of events at this time reflect what we can anticipate in the future.

This "birth" of Pluto and Uranus took place in the "wobble" infused sign of Virgo, and this sign promised (and delivered) radical change unlike anything we had ever encountered since the Great Depression. Among the advances to consider in this posting are key concepts that contribute to the state of world affairs now, and these concepts include:

1: Being distracted by entertainment.
2: Being "dumbed down" through budgetary cuts to education.
3: Medical treatments that rely on pharmaceuticals.
4: Technological advances that change and change and change.

Before exploring each concept it helps to understand the current planetary energies and what lies ahead, and to view this as a time for progressive change rather than see it as a time for chaos and destruction. It also helps to remind ourselves that the children of today are our future, and that as adults we have a duty to participate in being not only good role models, but to actively engage in creating desired change for the betterment of all.

Pluto's keywords are power, control, manipulation, money and covert activities. Presently they are represented by the 1 % as banks and those that are in leaderships positions. This 1 % possesses the most wealth, which the 99% have funded through imposed taxes.

Uranus's keywords are revolution, disruption, humanity, progressiveness and are represented by the 99%, which typically includes most people living on the planet. Humanity in this sense is expressed through what is fair and just for the majority, and if given enough motivation they can come together and demand radical change, but more often than not at a time of chaos.

So with these descriptions in mind think about the 1960's and see if these themes were present then, and did radical change occur then? Clearly the answer is yes, and change is what we got! To isolate just one example think about the impact that the students had through demonstrations at college and university compasses, (including the sad killings at Kent State University). Their voices were heard then as our voices will be heard now (and for years to come).

A list of events from the 1960's includes the advent of science through the space exploration program, through medicine (including the introduction of the birth control pill), through civil rights movements for African Americans and the role of women in business, through the "hippy" culture and the impact this had on drug use and the evolution of music and finally to the technological advances that impacted day to day living, most notably the microwave and TV and color broadcasting. This alone brought the Vietnam War into many households in vivid color and what the people saw they did not like...spurring them into taking action by protesting in numbers.

The TV became (and still continues to be) the mechanism by which we diverted our attention towards "escapism", and whether through public viewings of newly released movies or what we choose to watch in the comfort of our homes we have a thirst for being entertained! Sadly, in doing so we have taken our "eyes off the ball" relative to what is really happening on Capital Hill, and in this way we have been distracted.

Advances in science and medicine in particular has impacted us in ways that have completely altered the "normal family". With the ability to avoid pregnancy coupled with the rights of women in the work place, the "Leave It To Beaver" generation has been substituted for the "Modern Family" generation, and families are now "blended" which contain children from multiple marriages and/or ethnicity. Perhaps what stems from this change that threatens potential harm to society is the child that lacks real attention and/or love, leading to possible mental conditions that need attention but fail to get it for a variety of reasons.

The practice of medicine has found a cheaper way of resolving illness through the development of pharmaceuticals, many of which do genuine good and many that don't. It is up to the patient and consumer to do the leg work, and to determine if a drug has stood the test of time and that its benefits outweigh the risks. More often than not most people fail to do so, and so end up with side effects from medications that are often treated with other medications. This cycle can quickly snowball and leave a person's attention more focused on personal recovery and normalization than on what is going on behind the particular medicine itself AND on Capital Hill. In some cases drugs being prescribed are so strong that they can leave a person incapacitated and unable to focus or function. Conversely there are illegal drugs such as marijuana that have consumed HUMONGOUS amounts of money for crimes that are debatable when weighing the pros and cons. In fact the use of marijuana became "famous" from movies of the 1960's like "Easy Rider" and the debate continues four decades later. We should be asking ourselves if the tax revenue from legalized marijuana would be put to better use towards other much needed programs, and apparently Colorado and Washington state agree.

Education reached an all time high prior to the 1960's, and at this time we were encouraged to attend college and given the means to do so through grants and loans. Little did we know that these loans would also be protected from bankruptcy should this become necessary in the future, while giving investors a guarantee on their investments. There are countless sad stories of people with overwhelming student loans that are sure to keep them in debt for the rest of their lives, unless of course Congress decides to act. In the decades since the 1960's funding for education has slowly eroded, and not only at the elementary level either. Sadly schools have had to cut back and limit programs and services just to remain opened, and this has become part of the "dumbing down" syndrome. 

Finally we have the concept of technology and advancements that affect us at the every day level. Although we can now depend on cell phones instead of land lines, we need to also consider how fast these changes are occurring. Oddly enough devices are now sold with extended warranties (at an additional cost of course) as if they are expected to fail, although the odds are great that the warranty coverage period will be upstaged by a newer model and/or newer technology anyway. It's enough to make your head spin!

So, the 1960's was a time of radical change that was disruptive yet progressive. Change comes at a price, and this is the way it has always been and always will be. But knowing when these periods of radical change are occurring can help us make sense of what is happening when it happens. We are on the brink of another period of radical change, and yesterday's Vietnam protests has been replaced by today's school shootings. We did not stand by and allow this to continue then, nor are we going to now.

Friday, November 30, 2012

The USA's chart and the next few days

With the Moon already lined up to contact a few "hot" planets over the next 48 hours, one wonders what is happening in the USA's chart? First the transiting Sun is opposing the USA's Uranus, adding again to the idea of surprises. However, oppositions are just that: oppositions, and presumably resistance is coming from somewhere. Uranus governs the USA's zone of leadership, so a surprise is expected to come from Capital Hill.

Secondly, transiting Mars opposes the USA's natal Sun (December 3rd) and these are combustible planets indeed! Mars (the warrior planet) takes on the massive Sun, once again by opposition and the stakes are high. However, the mightier one almost always wins, the life giver of all energy, and that is the Sun. Expect a masculine energy to stand out (in headlines) and for mighty words to be delivered. 

Finally, the recent Lunar Eclipse at 6 Gemini/Sagittarius (November 28th) activates the USA's Ascendant (or rising sign) exactly. This suggests that we are about to become "aware" of something and we may not like what we hear. Lunar Eclipses are also Full Moons, and they generally bring to our attention something that we need to know, especially when it happens to be a Lunar Eclipse too. The sign of Gemini reflects a "mighty war of words", so expect tensions to continue for some time. But in the end everyone loses if Congress does not get their act together. Kicking the can down to road for another year may seem like an option, but it won't be one that the public will put up with, at which time our voices will be heard.

The next 48 hours could set off some fireworks!

And the reason has to do with the transiting Moon...she governs moods and she's about to contact some pretty sizzling energies! Be mindful and aware, and don't allow yourself to get irritated by something you could later regret.

The first contact involves Uranus, the planet of surprises and so anything goes...predicting what Uranus has in store goes against what it stands for, after all, surprises are intended to be surprises. Several hours later the Moon hooks up with Pluto and Mars, and this could set off tempers or impulsive reactions.

The stabilizing influence in all of this has to do with the sign of Capricorn, and this will influence the mood by grounding us to look at things from a practical perspective. Cardinal signs are likely to be affected most (Capricorn, Cancer, Libra and Aries) and headlines are likely to feature elements of this sign, as well as the energies of Mars, Uranus and Pluto. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Uranus enters Aries

Note:This entry was written in October 2009, and remains pertinent through 2019.
“ Time To Wake Up And Smell The Roses”

For the first time in almost eighty-four years Uranus will activate the sign of Aries, the last passage being from time of 1927-1934. Those that have recall of this period were children at the time, if not yet born. Since then we have had the benefit of observing life through the decades, with Uranus defining cultural trends. Starting with the late 1920’s, with Uranus in Aries, we see one facet of Aries prominent in the form of war… this being a time of major military battles affecting almost the entire world! Aries governs the military, as well as hostility, and war is the perfect outlet for these two themes. Does that mean we are headed for war again?

To answer this question, we must consider the collective consciousness, which Uranus governs. The term “humanity” is given ruler-ship to Uranus, as this planet affects absolutely every single person on the planet. We are talking about the group as opposed to the person, which is yet another concept associated with Uranus. The phrase “group consciousness” stems from this idea. Fads and trends are also associated with Uranus…and whatever sign is being activated shows up in the day-to-day activities. Unlike eighty-four years ago humanity is now more aware because of the advances that have taken place since. Just take a look at technology and the amazing advances we have at our disposal now, and compare it to this earlier time frame. Clearly there is a massive difference between what the average person had access to then as compared to now…and precisely for this reason we can expect a different outcome to Uranus in Aries.

The 1930’s was the in between period of two world wars, which does reflect the war like nature of Aries. However, in perspective to what the average person knew in terms of knowledge, there was little known compared to today’s day and age. The average person received information days after it took place, if not weeks, and often had no say in determining what action was to be taken as a consequence. In the years that followed this was to change, and the average person’s opinion was (and is) heard much quicker than in days past. The phrase “I know” is the motto or phrase that is assigned to Uranus. What man “knew” then has clearly changed since, and it is for this reason that we can anticipate a different outcome to the issue of war. With advances in technology man now gets information in a matter of seconds, as opposed to days or weeks gone by.

Now let’s consider the day and age we live in now, which is clearly marked by a lot of technology that we depend on everyday. Satellites orbit the earth, which are able to track your every move, including the ability to literally “see” where you are on the ground. What this capability demonstrates is a facet of Aries that encompasses “sight”, as Aries rules the head and vision in particular. So with this in mind, one day, and sooner than you might think, your every move will be tracked simply by the devices you use, and if needed by satellites that will be capable of seeing exactly where you are. Talk about big brother watching you!

In a completely different direction, also thanks to technological advances, we have what are called “drones” which are unmanned military units capable of warfare at a distance. These devices can be controlled thousands of miles away too, which lessens the threat level imposed upon the attacker. Unfortunately, and perhaps fortunately depending on your perspective, this lessons the amount of “collateral damage” that is a part of warfare itself. Fewer numbers of causalities are encountered (it seems) with each “new” war we experience…which is certainly true since the early 1920’s. However, with each war that has taken place the collective voice has also expressed more and more objection to war. Simply look at how long wars last today compared to decades and centuries ago. If you couple this with the concept of “The Age Of Aquarius” (which came upon us over the last century) you begin to get the idea that humanity is changing and that humanity can make a difference.

So if war is associated with Aries, then what may we expect with Uranus entering Aries? How about technological warfare? Instead of pointing a gun at our heads, we could find ourselves at the mercy of failed systems like power outages. Just think what kind of impact that would have on everyday lives, especially if it were to occur over widespread areas or during extreme weather periods. Uranus brings us technology, and relative to what exists in today’s day and age, by entering the sign of Aries we can expect warfare using the technology existing now. Obviously, this would include the new gadgets we have developed and depend upon now, especially through computers and communication devices. Although this may sound scary, keep in mind technology always keeps evolving and will always keep evolving. However, it would also be advisable to be prepared as best as on can be by acknowledging this threat now.

One aspect of the Aries energy that already seems evident is road rage…a product of the earlier passage of Uranus that brought us the automobile. At the time this was a HUGE advance in terms of its impact on everyday life. But it also brought a new way of doing things and life got busier along the way.  Soon highways were being built, and then airplanes, and before you knew it life is what it is today...much busier than in your grandparents day. However, man is an adaptable creature and bends with the times…hence we will learn to accommodate to these changes now. However some of you out there are bound to be thinking “how can it get any busier than it already is?” Hang on to your hats because that’s exactly what is going to happen!

Rage and anger are themes we associate with Aries, and we have seen this demonstrated in national headlines by acts of violence. Aries is also connected to physical energy, especially active sports which rev up the metabolism. We can anticipate this to impact school age children, as recess and sports are reintroduced to the classroom. Technology being what it is, medicine continues to search for other ways of producing desired effects…and in this case we are talking about drugs that mimic healthy living in a pill rather than through diet and exercise. Major advances in the treatment of dementia are also expected. However, before arriving at this point we are sure to face a crisis…in other words an increase in the number of people afflicted with memory related ailments. And where do we point the blame for this rising tide of memory problems? How about Uranus and its direct connection to technological advances?

To better understand this point it might be best to understand the rising level of hyperactivity in children, and now adults, in recent decades. Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are common afflictions that everyone has heard about now, and you most probably know of someone who has been diagnosed with it. What has been researched and discovered about the human brain has led to the realization that over stimulating the brain leads to hyperactivity. It all started with the advance of the television, which helps explain why mature adults are being affected with brain/memory disorders…and NO, this is not to say that everyone that ever watched TV will be afflicted. However, how MUCH one watches and WHEN they watch (in terms of age) does impact brain function later in life. One cannot disregard other factors either, such as diet and exercise (here’s that word again!!) or the LACK thereof. Now add to this the use of computers and gaming devices like the Play Station and/or Nintendo and you can expect that children will be affected. And indeed they are, as most teachers will tell you. Unlike older adults, children are exposed to much more brain stimulation through many more devices than days gone by…and one assumes that memory related afflictions will only continue to rise as children age. However technology will hopefully accommodate by developing drugs to offset these afflictions.

Interestingly, in the 1920-1930 period we saw the “Great Depression”, to which our current economic picture is being compared. The economic stimulus was channeled through the building of infrastructure…roads, bridges and tunnels were all being built to accommodate the new automobile. Our current stimulus package is also being channeled through the development of infrastructure, although admittedly to repair or replace what is already in place. However, the car is no longer the new technology like it once was. As hard as this may be to imagine, there will be a day when roads no longer serve the function they do today. Communities are being localized so that they no longer depend on transportation like they once did. The old fashioned railroad (also known as subways) will likely re-emerge as a means of commuting larger groups of people. Coupled with this are rises in the cost of fuel, and the car is being re-vamped to be more efficient. Take a look at the United States Post Office to see how these changes are impacting their business. By embracing newer technology we can do more “through the waves” (Internet) than ever before, which is sure to impact us in other ways over time.

Uranus is Aries will highlight HEAT, probably in the form of droughts and fires in coming years. 2010 finds Uranus, Mars and Jupiter in fire signs and is sure to mark the year with more than enough stories featuring extreme heat. For this reason you are urged to make sure insurance policies are adequately placed for the necessary amount of coverage. And secondly, do not ignore any government warnings about evacuations. Plan ahead by having must have items ready to move, if needed, or consider moving them to fireproof areas such as a bank. It is amazing how many of us store necessary papers at home, when many times a small fee from a bank will provide this needed protection.

Finally, relative to Uranus in Aries consider the idea of Uranus mixing company with Mars, which rules Aries. If one considers the nature of a Mars/Uranus conjunction the idea of exaggerated excitement comes to mind, as does the idea of events unfolding swiftly. Because Uranus is a slow mover, contacts from Uranus to natal Mars occur once every twenty-one years, and almost always resonate to the themes just described. For myself personally, this took place in 2000 as transiting Uranus squared my natal Mars. At this time Buz Myers became ill, almost overnight it seemed, and before I knew it I was adjusting to life without him. In my case Uranus rules my house of employment, which resulted in a radical change for me, and Mars rules my 8th house, which represents the house of death (among many other things). My personal example highlights the fast, radical and surprising components that these two planets share, but keep in mind that results will depend on your personal chart makeup. For predictive purposes we expect Uranus to represent the collective (or “us”) and Mars to represent a need to take action.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Neptune Enters Pisces

For the first time in almost 164 years, Neptune will enter the sign of Pisces, the sign it rules, until 2026 as of April 2011. The year an outer planet changes signs is always significant, as an event of a “Neptunian” nature will take place. On a mundane level, this means events connected to what Neptune governs, which includes a wide range of ideas including oceans, gases, medicine, oil, cosmetics, fish and creatures of the sea, music and art, spiritual leaders, mystics and mediums, secrets and scandals to name a few ideas. Neptune is also connected to hopelessness, helplessness, dependency issues, disenchantment, addictions and escapist behavior. The flip side of the coin finds Neptune as creative, inspirational, uplifting, charismatic and unattached, which can increase tendencies to daydream and fantasize.

We should question what we hear, especially from people in authority. Simply stating something does not necessarily make it real, and passing along misinformation only adds to the problem. With the Internet available to us sweeping lies can spread, and create hysteria or euphoria, depending on the original intention. Assumptions based on trusting the source should also be questioned, because misinformation may have been passed onto them. On the plus side we could collectively wake up and realize that the world is in a mess and we are partly to blame. Why? Because we have spent twenty or more years watching TV, playing video games and/or escaping to relax. While all of this has been going on education has been affected on many subtle levels, mainly through funding, and we are being "dumbed down" as a result. Finally, in order to cope with an array of stresses, we have been targeted with medications to help us cope, and getting addicted and unable to function normally as a consequence. This leads to a preoccupation of trying to feel better, giving the "powers that be" even more power. 

In light of current events, and coupled with a growing sense of disenchantment in the years ahead, Neptune will function to focus our attention on what does inspire us, and this could manifest in very creative ways of problem solving. Breakthroughs in the medical field are expected too, which combined with an already stressed healthcare system, might lead to progressive positive changes. The world of modulation and simulation will be greatly affected, making it possible to “live” through an experience without actually doing anything. Think flight simulators and how they have impacted the training of pilots, and apply this process on a day to day level with the everyday. A spiritual leader and/or organization will emerge and gain popularity, unlike anything we have seen in decades, with worldwide acceptance. If ever we will find peace in the Middle East it will be during the passage of Neptune in Pisces, 2011-2026, which marks a new beginning for all matters of a spiritual nature. The role of the Vatican is also expected to shift, probably by adapting to changing times that many consider way overdue. The role of God will make a popular return to our daily lives; for many of us we remember a time when businesses were closed on Sunday so that we had the time to address our spiritual side.

Aries: Your relationship to God will be strengthened with this placement, as well as your intuition and creativity. Your inner Van Gogh is waiting to express itself, so find a way to channel this energy. Negative: Allowing yourself to feel like a victim, convincing yourself that you can't change situations or people around you and as a consequence feeling imprisoned.

Taurus: Your hopes and dreams zone gets energized, and the manifestation of one will likely occur within the next fifteen years. Social contacts could be inspiring you to do something different, and this could lead to radical changes for you. Negative: Allowing yourself to become so estranged from your social network that you end up being alone. Rescuing others when it's you that needs rescuing.

Gemini: Your career and public image are areas where magic can happen, however moving towards a new direction is also expected to take place. Dare to dream about your “choice job” and prepare to see it manifest in time! Negative: Seeing your world change and resisting the process. Allowing "what once was" to be the dream you are still chasing.

Cancer: Your lucky sign will see big changes in the years ahead and major improvements are expected. Your beliefs and ideals get infused with energy unlike anything you have ever experienced, and you are sure to have a lot to share with others. Negative: Allowing yourself to so strongly believe in exchange for taking responsibility. Remember the saying "God helps those that help themselves".

Leo: Issues connected to money, perhaps connected to your partner, could see major changes in coming years. If there is a desire to completely change your life, such as quitting a bad habit, the inspiration needed to be successful. Magic happens when you allow yourself to surrender, and this in turn leads to total transformation. Negative: Remaining "trapped" because of material concerns, rather than being authentic and living life boldly as only a Leo can do.

Virgo: Significant others may come or go, and what you are ultimately going to discover is a relationship unlike any that you have encountered before. You may feel as if God is directing your life through contacts you have with others, so prepare to see major changes coming thanks to these “helpful others”. Negative: Allowing others to save you from doing what only you can do. Failing to see what is real in others rather than the magic robe you want them to wear.

Libra: Inspiration to change daily routines, including your job, can produce dynamic changes in the years ahead. Diet and health can benefit too, which may lead to changes in lifestyle too. Mentally you are receptive to creative energies that allow your state of mind to dictate what happens…thoughts are things. Negative: Allowing your job or health to be your reason for facing challenges. Resisting BIG changes simply because the devil you know is better than the one you don't know.

Scorpio: Creativity soars under this placement, and this allows your “inner child” to express itself freely. A child may also arrive, one that inspires you beyond your expectations. Romantically this could be the best time ever to form a new relationship; however it is you that is really changing and in turn this is reflected in your partner. Negative: Remaining too child-like and not facing responsibilities. The party seems to go on and on and on....

Sagittarius: Your family and home base inspire you to make changes that allow you to create Shangri-La in your own backyard. Getting away from the rat race is as simple as going home, where your soul gets nourished and your batteries recharged. Emotional growth comes through examining your attachments to things and people. Negative: Shutting yourself off from the world because emotional scars keep haunting you. Blaming Mom for your problems.

Capricorn: This could be one of the most inspiring passages of Neptune, giving you a opportunity to learn new things and to express yourself. Teachers, students, writers and networking will benefit with a mind that is inspired to reach new heights. Negative: Not realizing that there's a connection to "thoughts are things" and attracting one problem after another because that's what you expect. 

Aquarius: Inspiration to change your wages and income could lead to changes that could affect your job. Perhaps more importantly your vale system is changing, and what is important today could change drastically over the next fifteen years. Like a domino stacked in a line, one change could lead to a number of other changes. Negative: Remaining in denial about matters of finance, or accepting values that you don't like simply because the money is good.

Pisces: The rest of the world may finally begin to understand you, as inspiration and faith are the motives leading you to make major changes that you will initiate. New beginnings are also indicated, and life could be more exciting than it has been in years. Negative: Getting trapped by thinking you have all the answers and ignoring a higher power. Jumping in without thoroughly examining the finer details and discovering the price is much higher than expected.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Scorpio New Moon/Solar Eclipse by Sun Sign Forecast

Nov 6-27th: Mercury reverses course during this period and you are better off “clearing up” old projects and/or doing your research. Ever wondered what Google Chrome is or what a page versus a group is on Facebook? This is the time to find out but under no circumstances download or install any new software or apps until Mercury turns direct (Nov 27th). Do not sign contracts or make important decisions either. Mercury retrograde periods are cosmic gifts of time to play catch up, and having a Plan A and a Plan B helps prevent losing valuable time due to last minute changes of plans. Money and secrets are issues that are getting triggered over this extended period of time, and you could feel like you are imploding. Stop, count to three and say “this too shall pass”.

Nov 13th: Mercury and Neptune link together and this could produce lack of understanding and/or creative ideas that fuel productivity.  Don’t make assumptions and clarify all important exchanges. Weariness of the mind, or having too much on your plate could leave you wanting to unplug and disappear. Editing errors are more likely, so triple check if needed. (This is one of two occasions that this occurs in this cycle due to Mercury being retrograde)

Nov 22nd: The Sun aligns with Neptune and this signals feeling out of touch, if not totally like escaping from the world. Energy levels may wane and you could feel tired. Watch for drama and do not get entangled by attempting to rescue anyone. This is an excellent day for connecting with Spirit; affirm your intentions and ask for guidance if needed.

Nov 22-23rd: Mars reaches out to the planet of surprises and having a flexible attitude will make this period easier to experience. Energy levels tend to spike, and reactions tend to be trigger fast so think before you act.  Irritability is best handled physically; however avoid accidents by not being careless or hasty.

Nov 26th: Venus and Saturn combine and this may not be the best day for expressing your feelings. In fact, you could feel a bit no nonsense and one of the issues that could be on your mind could be money. Not enough for some, and how to share it for others. This is a time when a mature attitude towards finances and relationships will help build a better foundation, providing you choose to work with this energy proactively. Get the checkbook in order!

Nov 27-28th: Watch for Mars to join forces with Pluto as these couple of days could get intense. Don’t force things if they don’t seem to be flowing, but rather back off and let some time pass. This may allow you to get things done if used positively, or cause you to be so willful that you bite off your nose in spite of your face.

Dec 2nd: The Sun reaches out to Jupiter on this day and this generates high spirits and good moods under ideal circumstances.  Watch for going to excess and/or getting too entrenched in your opinions. Less ideally, you could be at odds with news you receive, and this could cause you to say more than you should. Leave any big decisions for another day, as things could look better than they really are.

Dec 11th: Mercury and Neptune link together and this could produce lack of understanding and/or creative ideas that fuel productivity.  Don’t make assumptions and clarify all important exchanges. Weariness of the mind, or having too much on your plate could leave you wanting to unplug and disappear. Editing errors are more likely, so triple check if needed. (This is the second of two occasions that this occurs. See Nov 13th entry).

Aries: This cycle promises to bring moments of drama and excitement, as Mars is not only your ruling planet, but is also the ‘featured’ planet in terms of prominence. This typically lasts a month but in this case could last up to a year, so plan on getting things done and having a no nonsense attitude to go with it! Mars does not wait on others and prefers to venture out, alone if necessary. New beginnings and projects get a boost of energy to help keep the momentum going, and 9th house issues could get triggered; these include legal matters, traveling, foreign interests, higher learning and/or publishing. Money matters are also being triggered, and this will involve others in some way, such as a partner, investment or inheritance. This idea is also supported by Saturn’s presence in the same region and you can bet over the next two years you WILL get your financial house in order.  There may be sensitive issues that you would rather not share with others; however taking a really honest stance is the best way to go. Nothing is as bad as you think, except your imagination.

Taurus: The big issue for you this month and for the next two years centers around the concept of partnerships. If single this could mean meeting someone soon, and this could lead to some serious decisions. Business partnerships could also be considered. The already attached have issues that not only demand attention, but also require a joint effort to solve. This could be a reflection of the relationship itself, or it could be the combined efforts as a team that is projected towards a goal. Either way you are being asked to look at ‘others’ in your life and to make allowances for them. Your life path has been profoundly affected in recent years, with short breaks here and there, and the relentless hammering away at daily duties can leave you feeling overwhelmed at times. But it could also mean new life coming in too, as this energy is all about chapters ending and chapters beginning. This is sure to be true over the next year or two. Communications with partners is emphasized this cycle.

Gemini:  This is your ‘wobble’ cycle, and to some extent this may last for another year as this cycle is also an Eclipse. The year has hinted at progress and making gains, and for some of you it may finally arrive as the year comes to an end. ‘Wobbles’ create events that are of the milestone variety, and include events that ‘rock’ your routine. Changes in jobs, health, relationships and housing are all examples of changes to your routine. Pets would be another idea to consider. Use this cycle to look for new employment opportunities, and for getting organized and clutter free. Money looks to improve for you next year, so keep that famous good attitude of yours and make this cycle what you want it to be. Go for it! Your sign is yet another sign facing profound life changes that see new chapters forming and old ones ending.

Cancer:  There are some pluses and minuses for your sign, so we focus on what’s good first. This comes in the form of some creative outlet that could get your juices flowing, or in the form of children, regardless of their age. Down deep you are longing for something that feels like fun, and this cycle may mark the beginning of a year when you make that connection as to what to do or try. Neptune has been prominent for some time now, and for some this has meant withdrawing and going into a cocoon. For others you may feel uninspired, and at the extreme almost zombie like. Mundane ideas like medications, creativity and spiritualism are expressing themselves and with any luck in a positive way. Burying your head in the sand is another option, although not productive. This cycle and the year ahead offer you a chance to create a new image, but to do so will require courage to face whatever Scorpio issue that haunts you. Take heart in knowing that everyone is affected, so be the natural leader that you are and set an example.

Leo: Home and family matters are featured this cycle, and this could result in spending more time dealing with them. To some extent this remains true for an entire year; however this month may stand out as the month the ball got rolling, so to speak. Parents (especially mom) are another idea to consider. Your most prominent planet has been the planet of surprises, and for some time you have been required to adapt to changing circumstances almost overnight. The source of these changes may be reflected in your partner and/or your relationship, and being flexible (or not) will be key in how things turn out.  Moves may be on the horizon for some, while others may experience changes in household members (empty nest for example). Household projects are another ides, such as remodeling the kitchen.  

Virgo: Like the sign that precedes you (Leo), the planet of surprises is also your most prominent planet. Having a plan A and a Plan B will make the next few years easier to navigate, and allow you more freedom than ever before. For now the focus is on mental channels, and this includes learning/teaching and communicating/networking.  This is great news for a mental sign such as yours, although it also puts emphasis on extended family members like siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. You may well have more exchanges with them, or life events connected to them that show up in your forecast. Travel is yet another idea to consider, and you may have more opportunity to do so over the next year. Your voice shall be heard over the next two years, so think carefully about what it is you have to say.

Libra:  The cycle ahead finds the focus on money matters, and this will continue to hold true for the next two years. More importantly you are being asked to re-evaluate your priorities and to examine your values. What was important to you up until now is no longer of value; you have grown beyond your current circumstances and it’s time to change. The practical issue of money is likely to influence these needed changes, and this could lead to financial events that impact income and spending. As a result job changes could take place, or additional sources of revenue found. Spending is likely to be curtailed, possibly because of a goal that will take time to achieve. More than anything else, your self-worth may need examining, and as a result this could open up your (Scorpio) issues to review. Typically these are issues we would rather keep private, but do forge ahead anyway. Only when we feel good about ourselves do we make gains that are priceless. 

Scorpio: Happy birthday indeed! Although this time of year is your personal New Year, this year is extra special due to Eclipses in your sign. This heralds a year of karmic changes, and could include making connections with people that are there to help you grow. New beginnings are another idea to consider, and over the next two years you may embark in one or more new directions, either personally and/or professionally. Life is opening up for you, if only you will allow yourself to see possibilities and potential. Not only do you have Eclipses taking place in your sign, but you also have Saturn in your sign, and this promises to keep your “nose to the grindstone” for the next two years. Working hard is OK providing you know the payoff is worth the effort, and eventually it will prove to be that and more. As you mature and get more serious about life, you have the advantage of a mutual reception, a cosmic gift of problem solving that is sure to benefit you. Yes, take care of yourself. Get dental work done and visit the dermatologist if needed. But if your sense of humor seems to be waning, it is only because your work now (on you) will have long term consequences. You are number one, and now is the time to address your body, mind and soul for the next thirty year cycle.

Sagittarius: The month before….your birthday, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Well, not exactly. But you are likely to feel less energized in the month prior to your birthday and this period should be used to pamper yourself when possible. In the so called ‘old days’, you would have used this period to meditate and hibernate, recharging your batteries and becoming one with Earth Mother herself. However, zoom ahead to 2102 and we have bills to pay, and emails to answer. Even so, there are quite, contemplative moments when you are alone with your thoughts and your mind wonders-off. What if you did this? What if this or that happens? These are the kind of questions that can eventually lead you to consider new directions. Yes, a new beginning lies ahead. You are going to find that this current cycle, lasting up to a year, will offer you glimpses of what to do and where to go. In the meantime you are releasing and letting go of whatever is no longer serving you, finding solace with what soothes your soul and letting go and letting God. Whether or not you give God the credit for what happens, you will at least find a way of looking at the bright side.  J

Capricorn:  Your sign shares the gift of a mutual reception, and this offers you a two year period of dealing with problems with an advantage that you probably will not recognize UNTIL you need it. Like a knight in shining armor, your ruling planet aligns nicely with another planet (Pluto) and shows up just when needed. But being that we are talking about Saturn, let’s not get carried away with enthusiasm…that is simply not Saturn’s style. So it’s comforting to know you have someone (with influence) in your corner, rooting for you and keeping your spirits lifted. This cycle triggers issues connected to social contacts, and through them you are affected. Mars enters your sign this cycle, and your energy (and temper) will soar…just in time to deal with holiday activities. However the area tied to hopes, wishes and dreams is also energized. Rather than dream of winning the lottery, you are likely to acquire a long held desire over the next year or so.

Aquarius: This cycle finds you in the spotlight, especially as it relates to business and career. Developments are possible this cycle, and if you happen to be in the market for advancement or switching jobs this could be the month that it happens. However, because we are talking about an Eclipse as well, this idea could extend upwards of a year. Your responsibilities are likely to be weighing on you, and you are being measured as to how well you handle them. This does not promise rewards immediately but in the long run rewards are indicated…you have to prove yourself first. In the event that you dislike your job then a wakeup call is in order, and events are sure to propel you to do something about it. Only you know for sure where you stand, but with Venus nicely placed there’s room to think that something nice will happen this month. Big brother is watching you over the next two years. Do you have what it takes?

Pisces: The land of Oz beckons you, and for some travel is indicated. This idea continues for quite some time, and with it comes a sense of expansion and opportunity. Your mind seeks greater expression, and ways of doing this vary. Whether through teaching/learning or communicating/networking you are eager to face your future…refreshing and exhilarating to be sure! Mundane issues that could be triggered include legal matters, publishing and events tied to relatives and siblings. The next couple of years offer you a chance to build a new future, and the sky is the limit. Set your goals carefully, and savor your achievements. Embrace random thinking and be prepared for random events, which in your attempt to understand them could drive you crazy.  Last month a crisis came to an end, and this month you start afresh. You are now beginning to feel like you got your fins back! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Scorpio New Moon-Solar Eclipse

This takes place on November 13th at 5:07 PM (set at Washington, DC) and it looks to be like an incredible Eclipse considering that Congress will be dealing with the “fiscal cliff”! The signs of Scorpio and Taurus are prominent and these are signs of money, as well as signs that are fixed. The bull is represented by Taurus and the Scorpion by Scorpio and they are divided in acquiring what they want without a fight…and this comes as no surprise according to the news headlines.

The rising sign is Taurus and this represents the “face” or persona of what lies ahead, and money is the issue. On the plus side Taurus offers a sensible and practical approach to dealing with issues it confronts, and on the negative side it can dig its heels and remain inflexible to compromise. However, keep in mind that Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and she prefers a tender and loving touch whenever possible. This idea is further supported by Venus in the sign of Libra, which adds a diplomatic touch when needed. Balance is key to the sign of Libra, as is fairness. Adding an edge to this is the planet Mars, which is exactly the same degree of the rising sign via the aspects of the in-conjunct. Although this promises its fair share moments to heated conflict and disagreements, in-conjuncts always lead to adjustments that can be made to reach success.

The Solar Eclipse is in the sign of Scorpio, which represents among many things, other people’s money, power, control and manipulation. This represents the “fiscal cliff” image perfectly! However, it is also located in the 6th house, adding another layer of drama to what lies ahead. It also means “WORK” and our elected representatives have their work cut out for them. The 6th house is noted for being the “wobble” point and this indicates a shift in energies, stemming from a macho “I am in charge” kind of energy to one of receptiveness and cooperation.  Houses are like stages, and so any New Moon/Solar Eclipse in the 6th house indicates a period for getting down to basics to maintain normal functioning. Households don’t run by themselves, and somebody has to keep up with the laundry and taking out the trash, which is the essence of this house. So this month is one of doing what is practical, with an eye towards hashing out details through careful analysis.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, which happens to be in the sign of Capricorn. This means that this Eclipse is setting off one of the “mega watt” issues that affect the entire planet Earth and everyone living on it since 2008, and lasting through 2024. Essentially this means a breakdown in leadership as well as business, and the fact that Barack Obama got elected into office in 2008 is a sure sign that this process has begun. So too was the tanking of the housing market and the subsequent impact this had on the world of business. With this in mind this New Moon/Solar Eclipse acts as a trigger for a much larger global issue, extending well beyond our national borders. What happens in the USA will affect countries worldwide, and the “same as usual” style of politics will NOT be met with approval, and thus the “fiscal cliff” is sure to be addressed successfully.

Why? Because the planet Saturn is in the sign of Scorpio; and this creates what is called a “mutual reception”. This simply means that two planets are occupying each others signs, and this provides an outlet for issues and challenges to be addressed successfully. This will remain true for the next two years, and indicates a slow but progressive improvement in the world of business. Contrary to many opinions, the financial markets will continue to have highs and lows but generally speaking will continue to show progress and growth.

The month also finds Mercury in retrograde motion, adding to the idea that stated ideas are subject to change and mutate over time. As a matter of fact it would be an excellent time for debate and discussion to take place, putting ideas on the table. However decisions and announcements are best put off until after November 26th. It is unlikely that our congressional leaders will spend this time doing this, as typically they are back home in their various home states adjusting to recent elections. And perhaps this is just as well, as politicians are not likely to follow astrological recommendations anyway. But you can if you so choose to do so. We’ll also take a look at each of the twelve signs in the next blog post.

The month gets “hotter” towards the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse of November 28th, as Mars joins forces with Pluto and squares Uranus. In all probability this is when Congress will get down to business and initially moments of high drama are expected. Imagine two alpha males meeting at the table and trying to establish “who’s in charge”…the two parties will each have their say. But after a period of striking each other with threats, they will eventually do what has to be done to avoid disaster. After all, it won’t benefit anyone’s re-election if the ship goes down sinking.

Do be careful around this period, and plan accordingly. Do not use this period to confront situations unless you are prepared for a fight. Instead, take a deep breath and remind yourself that this too shall pass. Instead be prepared to look at a different point of view, and avoid the pitfall of thinking that there’s only one solution to a problem.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Libra !!
There’s a bundle of planetary “cycles” in the coming year, and knowing the areas of your life that will be affected allows you to be better prepared! First we have Mars which activated your house of closure and completion, while also offering you time to unplug and “zone out”. This may not be the easiest of periods in your life, with Saturn also in your sign but the good news is that it enters Scorpio in November. The added responsibilities of the past 2 years is about to close, however you are scheduled to look at finances with an eye towards making them more stable. Jupiter will soon activate the career sector, which could assist Saturn by offering more “means to an end” money wise.  Venus offers the ability to see the future with added enthusiasm and may even see you taking a trip by the end of 2013. Others may publish, seek higher learning and/or have legal matters unfolding…all with an eye towards being satisfying. To see what this means for you personally, we invite you to schedule a ‘birthday’ appointment while taking advantage of a special offer!
The fee for a recorded one-hour session is normally $125.00; however, as part of this special offer we are extending a 30% birthday discount of $37.00 (resulting in a special price of $88.00). As an additional incentive, the first twenty callers will receive a free report, each valued between $25.00 and $50.00. Consultations and reports are now available to send via the Internet at no charge. ($6.00 Snail Mail)
Visit Joann’s blog for monthly code and receive a 50% off discount offer!

Thanks from RKM and Happy Birthday to You!!
RKM, PO Box 1000, Moyock, NC 27958