Saturday, November 17, 2012

Neptune Enters Pisces

For the first time in almost 164 years, Neptune will enter the sign of Pisces, the sign it rules, until 2026 as of April 2011. The year an outer planet changes signs is always significant, as an event of a “Neptunian” nature will take place. On a mundane level, this means events connected to what Neptune governs, which includes a wide range of ideas including oceans, gases, medicine, oil, cosmetics, fish and creatures of the sea, music and art, spiritual leaders, mystics and mediums, secrets and scandals to name a few ideas. Neptune is also connected to hopelessness, helplessness, dependency issues, disenchantment, addictions and escapist behavior. The flip side of the coin finds Neptune as creative, inspirational, uplifting, charismatic and unattached, which can increase tendencies to daydream and fantasize.

We should question what we hear, especially from people in authority. Simply stating something does not necessarily make it real, and passing along misinformation only adds to the problem. With the Internet available to us sweeping lies can spread, and create hysteria or euphoria, depending on the original intention. Assumptions based on trusting the source should also be questioned, because misinformation may have been passed onto them. On the plus side we could collectively wake up and realize that the world is in a mess and we are partly to blame. Why? Because we have spent twenty or more years watching TV, playing video games and/or escaping to relax. While all of this has been going on education has been affected on many subtle levels, mainly through funding, and we are being "dumbed down" as a result. Finally, in order to cope with an array of stresses, we have been targeted with medications to help us cope, and getting addicted and unable to function normally as a consequence. This leads to a preoccupation of trying to feel better, giving the "powers that be" even more power. 

In light of current events, and coupled with a growing sense of disenchantment in the years ahead, Neptune will function to focus our attention on what does inspire us, and this could manifest in very creative ways of problem solving. Breakthroughs in the medical field are expected too, which combined with an already stressed healthcare system, might lead to progressive positive changes. The world of modulation and simulation will be greatly affected, making it possible to “live” through an experience without actually doing anything. Think flight simulators and how they have impacted the training of pilots, and apply this process on a day to day level with the everyday. A spiritual leader and/or organization will emerge and gain popularity, unlike anything we have seen in decades, with worldwide acceptance. If ever we will find peace in the Middle East it will be during the passage of Neptune in Pisces, 2011-2026, which marks a new beginning for all matters of a spiritual nature. The role of the Vatican is also expected to shift, probably by adapting to changing times that many consider way overdue. The role of God will make a popular return to our daily lives; for many of us we remember a time when businesses were closed on Sunday so that we had the time to address our spiritual side.

Aries: Your relationship to God will be strengthened with this placement, as well as your intuition and creativity. Your inner Van Gogh is waiting to express itself, so find a way to channel this energy. Negative: Allowing yourself to feel like a victim, convincing yourself that you can't change situations or people around you and as a consequence feeling imprisoned.

Taurus: Your hopes and dreams zone gets energized, and the manifestation of one will likely occur within the next fifteen years. Social contacts could be inspiring you to do something different, and this could lead to radical changes for you. Negative: Allowing yourself to become so estranged from your social network that you end up being alone. Rescuing others when it's you that needs rescuing.

Gemini: Your career and public image are areas where magic can happen, however moving towards a new direction is also expected to take place. Dare to dream about your “choice job” and prepare to see it manifest in time! Negative: Seeing your world change and resisting the process. Allowing "what once was" to be the dream you are still chasing.

Cancer: Your lucky sign will see big changes in the years ahead and major improvements are expected. Your beliefs and ideals get infused with energy unlike anything you have ever experienced, and you are sure to have a lot to share with others. Negative: Allowing yourself to so strongly believe in exchange for taking responsibility. Remember the saying "God helps those that help themselves".

Leo: Issues connected to money, perhaps connected to your partner, could see major changes in coming years. If there is a desire to completely change your life, such as quitting a bad habit, the inspiration needed to be successful. Magic happens when you allow yourself to surrender, and this in turn leads to total transformation. Negative: Remaining "trapped" because of material concerns, rather than being authentic and living life boldly as only a Leo can do.

Virgo: Significant others may come or go, and what you are ultimately going to discover is a relationship unlike any that you have encountered before. You may feel as if God is directing your life through contacts you have with others, so prepare to see major changes coming thanks to these “helpful others”. Negative: Allowing others to save you from doing what only you can do. Failing to see what is real in others rather than the magic robe you want them to wear.

Libra: Inspiration to change daily routines, including your job, can produce dynamic changes in the years ahead. Diet and health can benefit too, which may lead to changes in lifestyle too. Mentally you are receptive to creative energies that allow your state of mind to dictate what happens…thoughts are things. Negative: Allowing your job or health to be your reason for facing challenges. Resisting BIG changes simply because the devil you know is better than the one you don't know.

Scorpio: Creativity soars under this placement, and this allows your “inner child” to express itself freely. A child may also arrive, one that inspires you beyond your expectations. Romantically this could be the best time ever to form a new relationship; however it is you that is really changing and in turn this is reflected in your partner. Negative: Remaining too child-like and not facing responsibilities. The party seems to go on and on and on....

Sagittarius: Your family and home base inspire you to make changes that allow you to create Shangri-La in your own backyard. Getting away from the rat race is as simple as going home, where your soul gets nourished and your batteries recharged. Emotional growth comes through examining your attachments to things and people. Negative: Shutting yourself off from the world because emotional scars keep haunting you. Blaming Mom for your problems.

Capricorn: This could be one of the most inspiring passages of Neptune, giving you a opportunity to learn new things and to express yourself. Teachers, students, writers and networking will benefit with a mind that is inspired to reach new heights. Negative: Not realizing that there's a connection to "thoughts are things" and attracting one problem after another because that's what you expect. 

Aquarius: Inspiration to change your wages and income could lead to changes that could affect your job. Perhaps more importantly your vale system is changing, and what is important today could change drastically over the next fifteen years. Like a domino stacked in a line, one change could lead to a number of other changes. Negative: Remaining in denial about matters of finance, or accepting values that you don't like simply because the money is good.

Pisces: The rest of the world may finally begin to understand you, as inspiration and faith are the motives leading you to make major changes that you will initiate. New beginnings are also indicated, and life could be more exciting than it has been in years. Negative: Getting trapped by thinking you have all the answers and ignoring a higher power. Jumping in without thoroughly examining the finer details and discovering the price is much higher than expected.