Monday, November 12, 2012

Scorpio New Moon/Solar Eclipse by Sun Sign Forecast

Nov 6-27th: Mercury reverses course during this period and you are better off “clearing up” old projects and/or doing your research. Ever wondered what Google Chrome is or what a page versus a group is on Facebook? This is the time to find out but under no circumstances download or install any new software or apps until Mercury turns direct (Nov 27th). Do not sign contracts or make important decisions either. Mercury retrograde periods are cosmic gifts of time to play catch up, and having a Plan A and a Plan B helps prevent losing valuable time due to last minute changes of plans. Money and secrets are issues that are getting triggered over this extended period of time, and you could feel like you are imploding. Stop, count to three and say “this too shall pass”.

Nov 13th: Mercury and Neptune link together and this could produce lack of understanding and/or creative ideas that fuel productivity.  Don’t make assumptions and clarify all important exchanges. Weariness of the mind, or having too much on your plate could leave you wanting to unplug and disappear. Editing errors are more likely, so triple check if needed. (This is one of two occasions that this occurs in this cycle due to Mercury being retrograde)

Nov 22nd: The Sun aligns with Neptune and this signals feeling out of touch, if not totally like escaping from the world. Energy levels may wane and you could feel tired. Watch for drama and do not get entangled by attempting to rescue anyone. This is an excellent day for connecting with Spirit; affirm your intentions and ask for guidance if needed.

Nov 22-23rd: Mars reaches out to the planet of surprises and having a flexible attitude will make this period easier to experience. Energy levels tend to spike, and reactions tend to be trigger fast so think before you act.  Irritability is best handled physically; however avoid accidents by not being careless or hasty.

Nov 26th: Venus and Saturn combine and this may not be the best day for expressing your feelings. In fact, you could feel a bit no nonsense and one of the issues that could be on your mind could be money. Not enough for some, and how to share it for others. This is a time when a mature attitude towards finances and relationships will help build a better foundation, providing you choose to work with this energy proactively. Get the checkbook in order!

Nov 27-28th: Watch for Mars to join forces with Pluto as these couple of days could get intense. Don’t force things if they don’t seem to be flowing, but rather back off and let some time pass. This may allow you to get things done if used positively, or cause you to be so willful that you bite off your nose in spite of your face.

Dec 2nd: The Sun reaches out to Jupiter on this day and this generates high spirits and good moods under ideal circumstances.  Watch for going to excess and/or getting too entrenched in your opinions. Less ideally, you could be at odds with news you receive, and this could cause you to say more than you should. Leave any big decisions for another day, as things could look better than they really are.

Dec 11th: Mercury and Neptune link together and this could produce lack of understanding and/or creative ideas that fuel productivity.  Don’t make assumptions and clarify all important exchanges. Weariness of the mind, or having too much on your plate could leave you wanting to unplug and disappear. Editing errors are more likely, so triple check if needed. (This is the second of two occasions that this occurs. See Nov 13th entry).

Aries: This cycle promises to bring moments of drama and excitement, as Mars is not only your ruling planet, but is also the ‘featured’ planet in terms of prominence. This typically lasts a month but in this case could last up to a year, so plan on getting things done and having a no nonsense attitude to go with it! Mars does not wait on others and prefers to venture out, alone if necessary. New beginnings and projects get a boost of energy to help keep the momentum going, and 9th house issues could get triggered; these include legal matters, traveling, foreign interests, higher learning and/or publishing. Money matters are also being triggered, and this will involve others in some way, such as a partner, investment or inheritance. This idea is also supported by Saturn’s presence in the same region and you can bet over the next two years you WILL get your financial house in order.  There may be sensitive issues that you would rather not share with others; however taking a really honest stance is the best way to go. Nothing is as bad as you think, except your imagination.

Taurus: The big issue for you this month and for the next two years centers around the concept of partnerships. If single this could mean meeting someone soon, and this could lead to some serious decisions. Business partnerships could also be considered. The already attached have issues that not only demand attention, but also require a joint effort to solve. This could be a reflection of the relationship itself, or it could be the combined efforts as a team that is projected towards a goal. Either way you are being asked to look at ‘others’ in your life and to make allowances for them. Your life path has been profoundly affected in recent years, with short breaks here and there, and the relentless hammering away at daily duties can leave you feeling overwhelmed at times. But it could also mean new life coming in too, as this energy is all about chapters ending and chapters beginning. This is sure to be true over the next year or two. Communications with partners is emphasized this cycle.

Gemini:  This is your ‘wobble’ cycle, and to some extent this may last for another year as this cycle is also an Eclipse. The year has hinted at progress and making gains, and for some of you it may finally arrive as the year comes to an end. ‘Wobbles’ create events that are of the milestone variety, and include events that ‘rock’ your routine. Changes in jobs, health, relationships and housing are all examples of changes to your routine. Pets would be another idea to consider. Use this cycle to look for new employment opportunities, and for getting organized and clutter free. Money looks to improve for you next year, so keep that famous good attitude of yours and make this cycle what you want it to be. Go for it! Your sign is yet another sign facing profound life changes that see new chapters forming and old ones ending.

Cancer:  There are some pluses and minuses for your sign, so we focus on what’s good first. This comes in the form of some creative outlet that could get your juices flowing, or in the form of children, regardless of their age. Down deep you are longing for something that feels like fun, and this cycle may mark the beginning of a year when you make that connection as to what to do or try. Neptune has been prominent for some time now, and for some this has meant withdrawing and going into a cocoon. For others you may feel uninspired, and at the extreme almost zombie like. Mundane ideas like medications, creativity and spiritualism are expressing themselves and with any luck in a positive way. Burying your head in the sand is another option, although not productive. This cycle and the year ahead offer you a chance to create a new image, but to do so will require courage to face whatever Scorpio issue that haunts you. Take heart in knowing that everyone is affected, so be the natural leader that you are and set an example.

Leo: Home and family matters are featured this cycle, and this could result in spending more time dealing with them. To some extent this remains true for an entire year; however this month may stand out as the month the ball got rolling, so to speak. Parents (especially mom) are another idea to consider. Your most prominent planet has been the planet of surprises, and for some time you have been required to adapt to changing circumstances almost overnight. The source of these changes may be reflected in your partner and/or your relationship, and being flexible (or not) will be key in how things turn out.  Moves may be on the horizon for some, while others may experience changes in household members (empty nest for example). Household projects are another ides, such as remodeling the kitchen.  

Virgo: Like the sign that precedes you (Leo), the planet of surprises is also your most prominent planet. Having a plan A and a Plan B will make the next few years easier to navigate, and allow you more freedom than ever before. For now the focus is on mental channels, and this includes learning/teaching and communicating/networking.  This is great news for a mental sign such as yours, although it also puts emphasis on extended family members like siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. You may well have more exchanges with them, or life events connected to them that show up in your forecast. Travel is yet another idea to consider, and you may have more opportunity to do so over the next year. Your voice shall be heard over the next two years, so think carefully about what it is you have to say.

Libra:  The cycle ahead finds the focus on money matters, and this will continue to hold true for the next two years. More importantly you are being asked to re-evaluate your priorities and to examine your values. What was important to you up until now is no longer of value; you have grown beyond your current circumstances and it’s time to change. The practical issue of money is likely to influence these needed changes, and this could lead to financial events that impact income and spending. As a result job changes could take place, or additional sources of revenue found. Spending is likely to be curtailed, possibly because of a goal that will take time to achieve. More than anything else, your self-worth may need examining, and as a result this could open up your (Scorpio) issues to review. Typically these are issues we would rather keep private, but do forge ahead anyway. Only when we feel good about ourselves do we make gains that are priceless. 

Scorpio: Happy birthday indeed! Although this time of year is your personal New Year, this year is extra special due to Eclipses in your sign. This heralds a year of karmic changes, and could include making connections with people that are there to help you grow. New beginnings are another idea to consider, and over the next two years you may embark in one or more new directions, either personally and/or professionally. Life is opening up for you, if only you will allow yourself to see possibilities and potential. Not only do you have Eclipses taking place in your sign, but you also have Saturn in your sign, and this promises to keep your “nose to the grindstone” for the next two years. Working hard is OK providing you know the payoff is worth the effort, and eventually it will prove to be that and more. As you mature and get more serious about life, you have the advantage of a mutual reception, a cosmic gift of problem solving that is sure to benefit you. Yes, take care of yourself. Get dental work done and visit the dermatologist if needed. But if your sense of humor seems to be waning, it is only because your work now (on you) will have long term consequences. You are number one, and now is the time to address your body, mind and soul for the next thirty year cycle.

Sagittarius: The month before….your birthday, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Well, not exactly. But you are likely to feel less energized in the month prior to your birthday and this period should be used to pamper yourself when possible. In the so called ‘old days’, you would have used this period to meditate and hibernate, recharging your batteries and becoming one with Earth Mother herself. However, zoom ahead to 2102 and we have bills to pay, and emails to answer. Even so, there are quite, contemplative moments when you are alone with your thoughts and your mind wonders-off. What if you did this? What if this or that happens? These are the kind of questions that can eventually lead you to consider new directions. Yes, a new beginning lies ahead. You are going to find that this current cycle, lasting up to a year, will offer you glimpses of what to do and where to go. In the meantime you are releasing and letting go of whatever is no longer serving you, finding solace with what soothes your soul and letting go and letting God. Whether or not you give God the credit for what happens, you will at least find a way of looking at the bright side.  J

Capricorn:  Your sign shares the gift of a mutual reception, and this offers you a two year period of dealing with problems with an advantage that you probably will not recognize UNTIL you need it. Like a knight in shining armor, your ruling planet aligns nicely with another planet (Pluto) and shows up just when needed. But being that we are talking about Saturn, let’s not get carried away with enthusiasm…that is simply not Saturn’s style. So it’s comforting to know you have someone (with influence) in your corner, rooting for you and keeping your spirits lifted. This cycle triggers issues connected to social contacts, and through them you are affected. Mars enters your sign this cycle, and your energy (and temper) will soar…just in time to deal with holiday activities. However the area tied to hopes, wishes and dreams is also energized. Rather than dream of winning the lottery, you are likely to acquire a long held desire over the next year or so.

Aquarius: This cycle finds you in the spotlight, especially as it relates to business and career. Developments are possible this cycle, and if you happen to be in the market for advancement or switching jobs this could be the month that it happens. However, because we are talking about an Eclipse as well, this idea could extend upwards of a year. Your responsibilities are likely to be weighing on you, and you are being measured as to how well you handle them. This does not promise rewards immediately but in the long run rewards are indicated…you have to prove yourself first. In the event that you dislike your job then a wakeup call is in order, and events are sure to propel you to do something about it. Only you know for sure where you stand, but with Venus nicely placed there’s room to think that something nice will happen this month. Big brother is watching you over the next two years. Do you have what it takes?

Pisces: The land of Oz beckons you, and for some travel is indicated. This idea continues for quite some time, and with it comes a sense of expansion and opportunity. Your mind seeks greater expression, and ways of doing this vary. Whether through teaching/learning or communicating/networking you are eager to face your future…refreshing and exhilarating to be sure! Mundane issues that could be triggered include legal matters, publishing and events tied to relatives and siblings. The next couple of years offer you a chance to build a new future, and the sky is the limit. Set your goals carefully, and savor your achievements. Embrace random thinking and be prepared for random events, which in your attempt to understand them could drive you crazy.  Last month a crisis came to an end, and this month you start afresh. You are now beginning to feel like you got your fins back! 


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