Saturday, February 25, 2012

The USA & The Western Roman Empire

The Western Roman Empire
Pluto’s Role in History
753 BC to 476 AD
(note: first published June 2010)

The Roman Empire marks a time in history filled with great achievements and great turmoil, and events during this period highlight the position of leadership over vast areas of land and people that proved both stunning and advanced for the times. Most of us no doubt learned about this period of time in school, and most of us also learned that history tends to repeat itself. For the sake of this presentation, the dates provided for this period are marked by the rise of Julius Caesar in 27 BC to 476 when Romulus Augustus was deposed as the last Western Roman Emperor. For the sake of this presentation, it is understood that this is a very broad overview of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, which illustrated a time in history when many features that continue to mark a society came into being, including education, baths, sanitation, art, language, religion, architecture, philosophy and law. The timeline for the Roman Empire varies slightly among historical records, but generally speaking it is thought to have been started when Rome (the Roman Republic) was founded by Romulus in 753 BC and ended by the annexation of Egypt in 27 BC. At this time Cleopatra dies, Mark Anthony is defeated and Augustus/ Octavianus declares himself the first Roman Emperor. The Roman Empire eventually ends when Odoacer defeats Romulus Augustulus in 476 AD, dividing itself into Western and Eastern empires at this time. So, to simply what is already simplified, Rome was founded in 753 BC, moved into a land governed by emperors in 27 BC and the Western Empire fell in 476 AD.

The beginnings of the Roman Empire took place with Pluto in Leo, and this sign emphasizes royalty and the concept of Kings and Queens. Leo also appreciates ‘nice’ things, including an appreciation for art and music. Major forms of Roman art are architecture, paintings, sculpture and mosaic work and minor forms of art include metal-work, coin-die and gem engraving, ivory figurine glass, pottery, and miniature book illustrations (source: Wikkipedia). This was indeed a grand period in history, befitting the regal sign of Leo and evidence of Leo’s presence in our physical world exists unlike anything time in history since.

Now we consider the three major points in the Roman period, starting with the beginning of Rome in 753 BC, to the fall of the Republic to the beginning of emperor rule in 27 BC and finally to the fall of the Western Empire in 476 AD. In each case transiting Pluto was in the sign of Leo, for a total of two Pluto cycles before collapsing. A Pluto cycle lasts about 248 years, whereupon it “returns” to the position it was at time of inception. Commonly this is called a Pluto return, and seismic shifts almost always occur at this time. Pluto represents power and control, as well as death and rebirth. Can you see how these themes played in historical events in the case the Roman Empire?

Now we shift to the USA. The beginnings of the USA took place with Pluto in Capricorn, even though our nation has a Cancer Sun. The mantra for this sign would be: put family first before oneself…and this includes the family one lives among as a nation. Our nation also began to thrive as a world force with Pluto in Cancer, which ranged from 1912-1939. Although Pluto aligns itself with all parts of the world, not just the USA, this passage of Pluto in the USA’s Sun sign accounts for the impact that this planet had on developments for our nation at this time. Powerful families began to emerge and take their place among the world of business and/or leadership, including the Kennedy’s, Johnson & Johnson, Toyota, Ford and many others.

However, the placement of Pluto in the USA’s chart is in the sign of Capricorn, highlighting themes connected to leadership and business. Remember, Pluto represents power and control and the USA’s development embraced the themes of business and a change in leadership at its conception. Gone were the days of being governed by the King, and in its place emerged a new nation founded on the idea of “we the people”. This emphasis on Capricorn is important in what lies ahead for the future, as the USA will experience a Pluto return in 2022. This will be similar to the timeframe of the fall of the Republic of Rome to the onset of the Roman Empire and emperor rule. This is not to say that the USA will fall into the rule of emperors, however it does suggest a seismic change is coming. As stated before, this is expected to coincide with the formation of a new political system or third party. The question will be: can we survive this shift, or will be perish like other nations before us?

Five Year Long Range Forecast By Sign

Aries: Aries is one of four cardinal signs, and cardinal signs are most affected by the planets at this time. Uranus enters your sign, signaling new beginnings and becoming more actively involved…it’s your choice as to where you channel this energy. Your public image also changes, leading to a milestone event that defines how others see you. Saturn activates your significant other zone, and events connected to them will in turn affect you. Single? If so, a karmic relationship could arrive and it promises to be unlike any you have ever experienced before.

Taurus: You are out growing what you do on a day-to-day basis, and for most people this means their job. Having lost the passion you once felt for your work, you are stimulated to branch out and seek another job, promotion or switch in career. Pluto signals a potential meeting with someone foreign, or places you in a foreign land. Your learning curve is at its highest, assisted by Neptune in the wishes zone, and this could allow you to follow your dreams. Uranus enters your sign in 2018, and promises major changes in career area, so no matter what you do in the coming months it won’t be forever. So go ahead and consider going with the flow rather than resisting it.

Gemini: There are pluses and minuses to your forecast ahead, however do not assume that the minuses will end badly. We start with the radical planet Uranus, which is the planet that is your “higher octave” and it enters the house of hopes wishes and dreams for a seven year stay. Coupled with this we have “Lord of Karma” Saturn entering your house of fun and pleasure, as well as children, romance and having fun. So far, so good, right? Now we add Pluto “the transformer” into the house of shared resources, money that is NOT earned income, intimacy, passion and shocks. This said, there could be an event that you have no control over but nonetheless impacts you in a profound way, with a hint that money may be a factor. In a worst case scenario, such as having to file for bankruptcy, the energies point towards an outcome that just might surprise you. Play the lottery within moderation, as it fits the profile just described.

Cancer: Some of the biggest changes take place with your sign, beginning with Pluto in your significant other zone. This could signal the beginning of a new relationship, or an end to an old one. As the needs of others press against your own, this could leave you feeling un-nurtured until you decide to put yourself first. Moving homes, or having domestic changes in the household, are indicated in the next two years. “Endings” are also indicated, and this could apply to a person or situation. Career opportunities open up almost overnight, as an event that happens suddenly and without warning. Use this to your advantage by planning a change rather than waiting for it to happen.

Leo: Houses connected to mental activities and higher learning are activated in the years ahead, and this may lead to opportunities for travel as well. Paperwork is also accentuated, which ranges from contracts and agreements to books, networking and legal matters. Relatives may also factor into events that are important to you. Profound changes affect everyday activities, including your lifestyle habits. This could result in a total switch in diet and/or exercise habits, such as deciding to become a vegetarian. Your sign is least affected by the major planets, which makes up for recent years when this was not the case. Take this time to connect with ideas and other people, and expand your mind in the process. Want to become an astrologer, a numerologist or teacher? The years ahead give you the inspiration to accomplish your cherished mental goals.

Virgo: Matters connected to money will take on greater meaning, which can lead to changes that affect money you earn as well as money you owe. Although progress will be slow, nonetheless progress will be made. Romantically your love life also experiences big changes, leading to the formation and/or ending of key relationships. Much activity is expected to take place in your personal life, including the possibility of having a spiritual relationship. Creativity is also emphasized, which has obvious advantages, which will get channeled through mental activities.

Libra: Like other cardinal signs, great changes are in store for you in the years ahead and may result in events that affect the major issues in life. In other words, your life will be impacted by events connected to your significant other, where you live and the concept of new beginnings. Relationships may be formed and/or ended, and new beginnings can include a range of possibilities so long as you initiate the process. You could also move, or have major changes taking place under the roof of your house. Parents and/or parenting issues are also indicated, as is the idea of an “ending”, although not necessarily tied to the parent issue.

Scorpio: At first it may seem as if little is going on for your sign, however significant changes will take place in time. The concept of closure and completion is strong for the next few years, and some events may be beyond your control to change. For example, you could have someone leave your life, or have a job end, and these changes move you towards new beginnings. However, these events are expected to take place gradually and allow you time to prepare, and once these changes start unfolding you will realize how profound these next few years will be. An unlike most other signs your changes will be karmic, and will allow your soul’s development to fulfill its mission.

Sagittarius: Although Shangra-La may be found in the comfort of your own home, social houses are activated for the next five years as well. Perhaps this means more entertaining at home, while those desiring children may see the birth of a child (or grandchild). Key friendships may be formed and/or ended, while is a different direction we have an opportunity to realize a hope, wish or dream too. Roughly four years from now Saturn visits your sign, signaling a 30 year period for personal development and recognition. With this in mind, put out the effort now so that you are better prepared to take advantage of any opportunity to increase your responsibilities…also known as climbing the corporate ladder.

Capricorn: Cardinal signs rank highest in terms of major events in the five years ahead, and your sign is no exception. In some ways, as this material arrives at your door, and for the next year and one half, this period marks a time for taking yourself and your needs more seriously and for making headway in matters of career. In fact, changes affecting your career could impact your personal life, including the household in which you live. The reverse is true too: because of your personal life you might be required to make changes in your career, perhaps because of a new relationship that demands making adjustments in order to continue being together. Parents and parenting issues are also activated, which could include the birth of a child and/or grandchild.

Aquarius: Like your cousin Leo, your sign finds houses of an intellectual being activated, which may manifest in a number of ways. Teaching, learning, writing, speaking, networking, communicating and/or travel are themes that will increasingly become important in terms of events for you. Relatives and siblings are another issue to consider, as events affecting them appear in your predictive forecast. Career matters reach a peak in the period between two and five years from now, perhaps signaling an achievement or period of recognition. If your career fails to fulfill you, then be prepared to move on. Take matters into your own hands by making sure you are where you want to be now, or get on with changing things. That way, a promotion can still reasonably take place 2-4 years from now.

Pisces: A rare once in every 164 years change of signs takes place for your sign, and marks a period of new beginnings in the years ahead. You will also find matters of finances taking center stage, as changes in income and/or spending (think paying off debts too) are also indicated. Changes with significant others also lies on the horizon, perhaps leading to commitments within a five year period. Dreams can actually manifest into reality, so be prepared to define your dreams with specific details rather than with lofty thoughts that are vague. You may also discover psychic or intuitive abilities that you did not know you had, while your nightly dreams may reveal important information.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Moon In Pisces With Mars In Virgo

It might be a really good idea to think about the coming month as a reflection of what you will attract for the year ahead, as this New Moon is the one that sets the tone for what we experience over the next twelve months. Astrology does not just set out to explain why things happen, but perhaps more importantly, it provides us a useful tool to MANIFEST our desires. Not that this is expected to happen overnight mind you, but it draws upon the "laws of attraction" theory.

With Spring right around the corner, and signs of new life with it, this Pisces New Moon marks the time for ushering out the old in order to embrace the new...most of which is more symbolic than literal. A good starting point would be with our thoughts and attitudes, as they act as magnets or transmitters for what we attract eventually. Keeping it simple why not consider making this month the month to re-affirm one simple thought: I attract the right and perfect thoughts for the benefit of my higher self so that I may experience my desires with gratitude and joy. New Moons are "ruled" in part by Mars, and with Mars in Virgo the temptation to get hung up in detail and preciseness could prove distracting or confusing, so keeping it simple might be worth considering.

Whether you realize it or not, you are likely to encounter a major "wobble" over the next year or two, and this is sure to impact your routines in a significant way. A host of reasons could help explain why, such as changes in jobs, relationships, housing and/or health. As the month progresses think about these issues and ask yourself how you would like to see changes, if at all. Then take the written or spoken word or visual image and start the process of creating an image of what you want to create. You will be able to add to this as the months go by, but this is the month to begin the matter how small the initial gesture.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Neptune Enters Pisces

As a Pisces myself, I find it interesting to be able to comment on the fact that my "ruling" planet (Neptune) has entered my sign for the first time in almost 165 years. Wow! The time span alone makes this seem impressive, but this is probably more so for other signs that are unaccustomed to this planetary energy. Perhaps in time I will discover otherwise, but I suspect with time that more people will understand Pisces because they themselves are embracing this energy.

So let's cover the "not so good" face of Pisces, as the qualities to be mentioned can make life a lot more distressing if this option is chosen. Yes, that's right...there's an implied choice or act of free will that one can take (or not). Let's start with escapism, of which there are numerous ways in which to choose from...drugs, alcohol, avoidance and passive/agressiveness to name a few. Life lacks luster and in an effort to feel better we choose to experience an experience that is supposed to make us feel least for awhile. Our imagination gets permission to do what it wants, and when repeated often enough it may lead to physical abuse of our bodies, or psychological abuse that can affect relationships of all kinds. Life seems challenging, and with a growing sense of disenchantment we could begin to feel as if life is not worth living anymore. With time we see ourselves as a victim, and in search of a savior we can entangle others into our web only to discover that life is even more complicated. The thinking behind this approach was influenced quite heavily by folks like Walt Disney, who created many "happily ever after" stories that life rarely mimics. Our only real savior can only be found within ourselves, hence the idea that we are one with God.

The "good" face of Pisces is found in accepting things as they are, and by not trying to force things into being what we want them to be. That applies to all things, especially relationships. This brings the word "unconditional" into the conversation, and an acceptance that there's a reason behind all things (even when we don't understand). Having expectations implies disappointment when we don't get what we want, or better yet, a real lack of faith that all things work in their right and perfect way. The flip side of disillusionment is inspiration, and this can allow us to elavate our lives proactively. We may be attracted to metaphysics and/or spiritualism, or we may be attracted to artistic expression through the creative process. Making this almost magical is the ability to share it with others, and in turn touching other peoples lives. When we do so we discover we get more than we give. 

More to come in the months ahead...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Has Your Mood Been Sober (Depressing) Lately?

Saturn, the "task master" planet of the zodiac, has been the highest degree planet for a while, and with the exception of a handful of days in between, it will remain the highest degree planet until October 5th. This may come as bad news for some, however there are ways to work with this so that we may benefit from it. On the down side we could feel as if we are "stuck" and getting no where, or we could feel as if life has lost its rosy glow. On the plus side we could recognize that our actions now have karmic implications that could last beyond this lifetime.

Saturn may not seem like your best friend at times, but indeed it "has your back" as far as your long term welfare is concerned. Rather than see Saturn as limiting you (for whatever reason) consider what limitations you need to place on yourself, because this is really Saturn's teach us self limitations. Are you disciplined enough? Are you willing to work hard and remain committed? Are you willing to wait for what it is you really want? Answer in the affirmative and success lies ahead. Answer in the negative and you'll get more of the same.

The "karmic" aspect of Saturn focuses our attention on relationships of all kinds, and we may find that they demand more of us now than they have in 30 years. We have until October to set the record straight, as this opportunity does not come by often. This is a time in life when it is NOT about "me" but rather about what you can do for others. The reward you will gain will put a "gold star" on your karmic legacy.

Today's Headline: Venus Challenges Pluto

Not that this is expected to last very long, nor have a lasting impact for many, it will however describe how we feel...and we feel it!! What we feel varies, but the intensity of how we feel makes this combo stand out. Venus wants what she wants, with the focus on "self".  Pluto demands (not wants) our attention, probably focused on some obligation or responsibility we would rather shirk off. One planet is in a red hot sign, and the other is a red hot planet...fireworks could erupt on a moments notice.

Is it money or is it love that you struggle with now? Whatever it may be, count on working hard to gain success. Avoid being sneaky...clashes could surface if discovered. Proactively this can be used to face sensitive issues with honesty and candor that rarely happens. Your actions now will come to light as August approaches, at which time the focus shifts towards partnerships. This could eventually lead to profound changes of the life altering kind.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Astrological Insights On Whitney Houston

The incredible talents of this mega-star are partly attributed to having been born with Neptune square her Sun (creative & musically inclined), as well as a Sun/Saturn opposition. Sun/Saturn vibrations often elevate a person to the level of being "above average", due in part to their willingness to work really, really hard to get what they want. As it is impossible to comment on the many other facets that made up her talent in a mere few words, suffice it to say that like many of us she had her demons too. Sun/Neptune links can compel us to escape through drugs and alcohol too, which appears to have been the case in recent years.

Current planetary triggers include Mars retrograding over three of her planets (Mercury, Uranus & Pluto), and the volatile nature of Mars requires careful handling when joined with Uranus and/or Pluto. Taking place in her 1st house of the physical body suggests she could be reckless and/or prone to accidents, or emotionally stretched and (possibly) capable of destructive behavior. Of noticeable interest is her progressed Moon, which crossed over her 6th house of health exactly to the day of her passing (using a solar chart progressed to 02/11/12).

Note: The progressed Moon takes almost 30 years to reach any given spot in a chart. Birth data: August 9, 1963 in Newark, NJ using a Noon birth-time in solar format.(source Wikkipedia)

I'm Still Here...Sort Of!

As a Pisces I am influenced by the planet Neptune, and this planet has the reputation of being elusive and mysterious. For me it has meant focusing my attention on being a care-giver to a 93 year old family friend with Alzheimer's (she has no children or spouses). Much has been made of the disease in recent headlines, and I will not kid you it does have its challenges. However Neptune recently entered Pisces, and collectively we are being asked to be more kind, and to do for others in their hour of need. Be prepared, for your day will come.

Over the past decade or so I have heard people mention that they are tired of being here (on Earth), as if the thought of dying would be a relief of sorts. Usually this is accompanied by the thought that they don't want to have to go through another lifetime here on Earth, as if this life has been too hard or unrewarding. Although I can admit to having felt the same way at one time, I now wonder if repeated reincarnations on Earth is necessary until we "get it"...until we can live our life reflecting the love of others and of self. 

Just a thought about Neptune in Pisces....