Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Moon In Pisces With Mars In Virgo

It might be a really good idea to think about the coming month as a reflection of what you will attract for the year ahead, as this New Moon is the one that sets the tone for what we experience over the next twelve months. Astrology does not just set out to explain why things happen, but perhaps more importantly, it provides us a useful tool to MANIFEST our desires. Not that this is expected to happen overnight mind you, but it draws upon the "laws of attraction" theory.

With Spring right around the corner, and signs of new life with it, this Pisces New Moon marks the time for ushering out the old in order to embrace the new...most of which is more symbolic than literal. A good starting point would be with our thoughts and attitudes, as they act as magnets or transmitters for what we attract eventually. Keeping it simple why not consider making this month the month to re-affirm one simple thought: I attract the right and perfect thoughts for the benefit of my higher self so that I may experience my desires with gratitude and joy. New Moons are "ruled" in part by Mars, and with Mars in Virgo the temptation to get hung up in detail and preciseness could prove distracting or confusing, so keeping it simple might be worth considering.

Whether you realize it or not, you are likely to encounter a major "wobble" over the next year or two, and this is sure to impact your routines in a significant way. A host of reasons could help explain why, such as changes in jobs, relationships, housing and/or health. As the month progresses think about these issues and ask yourself how you would like to see changes, if at all. Then take the written or spoken word or visual image and start the process of creating an image of what you want to create. You will be able to add to this as the months go by, but this is the month to begin the process...no matter how small the initial gesture.  


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