Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm Still Here...Sort Of!

As a Pisces I am influenced by the planet Neptune, and this planet has the reputation of being elusive and mysterious. For me it has meant focusing my attention on being a care-giver to a 93 year old family friend with Alzheimer's (she has no children or spouses). Much has been made of the disease in recent headlines, and I will not kid you it does have its challenges. However Neptune recently entered Pisces, and collectively we are being asked to be more kind, and to do for others in their hour of need. Be prepared, for your day will come.

Over the past decade or so I have heard people mention that they are tired of being here (on Earth), as if the thought of dying would be a relief of sorts. Usually this is accompanied by the thought that they don't want to have to go through another lifetime here on Earth, as if this life has been too hard or unrewarding. Although I can admit to having felt the same way at one time, I now wonder if repeated reincarnations on Earth is necessary until we "get it"...until we can live our life reflecting the love of others and of self. 

Just a thought about Neptune in Pisces....

1 comment:

  1. I've missed seeing your blog posts and I'm glad you're back.

    As a fellow Pisces, I seem to be experiencing the Neptune challenge early. Three years ago I became the Executor of a very complicated estate and the fiscal Guardian of a minor child, who became an orphan when his mother died.

    Best from Tena
