The karmic energies of today present us with an opportunity to have that "all important" conversation, and in doing so we help ourselves and our soul. Wires get crossed, and misunderstandings result regardless of how long ago they took place. Reach out today and make an effort to say what is in your heart, as your words will make a difference. Communicate, forgive and move on.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Great Expectations & Destinations For Today
We'll get a lot done today due to increased vigor and enthusiasm, and channeled wisely we will enjoy the process. OR we could get carried away and take on more than we can reasonably handle, and with our positive attitude we probably won't mind anyway. Get moving, and go places! This energy inspires us to do good, act generously and to forgive where needed. The Angelic Kingdom speaks to us today...are you listening? And as importantly, are you talking?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Venus Beckons...Accentuate The Feminine
Once again Venus stands out and this time she invites us to let our inner child come out to play. Prone to being spontaneous in the sign of Leo, Venus asks that we tap into our creative side in any form of expression that suits our tastes. Be silly or serious, but have fun in the process!
Be bold and beautiful, and consider your appearance. Think about "changing it up" and wear something different or changing your hairstyle. See where it takes just might like it better than expected. This opportunity hangs around for the next few days so enjoy while you makes this visit but twice a year. While you are at it, make an effort to compliment others. It'll make them feel like a million bucks, and you too.
Watch financial markets for the next few days...another round of ups and downs is expected. But, is this really news anymore?
Be bold and beautiful, and consider your appearance. Think about "changing it up" and wear something different or changing your hairstyle. See where it takes just might like it better than expected. This opportunity hangs around for the next few days so enjoy while you makes this visit but twice a year. While you are at it, make an effort to compliment others. It'll make them feel like a million bucks, and you too.
Watch financial markets for the next few days...another round of ups and downs is expected. But, is this really news anymore?
Venus Pays A Visit For The Next Few Days
Alas we get a break from some of the relenting energies of late, as Venus takes center stage for the next few days. She starts her visit today, and gives us an opportunity to make social connections that encourage personal growth...of the karmic variety! Look around to see if there's someone in your environment that could be a "teacher" for you (and vice versa), and the lesson is sure to be about love. Don't assume you have to know this person's name either, as a complete stranger can sometimes teach us more, simply because we have no expectations of them. It's a day to express your affectionate nature!
Friday, August 12, 2011
It's That Time Of The Month...!
The Full Moon approaches, and with it comes the tendency for things to get "overwhelming"...usually brought on by the needs of others crossing paths with our personal needs. The energy at this time changes quickly and it can be hard to plan or get things done. This time of the month is where the term "lunacy" comes from, and police and hospital records support this concept of "overwhelming" in terms of how we might react. Instead, choose to remain spontaneous, flexible and receptive to changing conditions. It just might bring us more social opportunities, or a chance to do something different and new.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Where's The Money?
One day it's here, and the next day it's gone...what a whacky time it has been on Wall Street! Current planetary patterns find Mercury (the messenger) at odds with Neptune (illusions and confusion) operating from financial houses for the USA. With other planetary patterns also in effect, we are reminded to not over react to news that we hear at this time, and be prepared for further swings to take place. What does come to mind though, is why is business having such a large impact on the government? Silly me, it's because business IS the government. So much for Standard & Poors rating system...are they complicit in creating this mess now?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
All work & (maybe) some play?
The sobering influence of the Moon gets a big kick in the behind, probably in the form of demands being made upon us by others. This is not the energy of self indulgence, but rather of sacrifice and necessity. Get to "to do" list out and accomplish what you can, you just might make more progress than expected. Emotional outbursts could be tinged with resentment or anger, or if used wisely in the form of a good game of basketball. Find healthy outlets for primal could be fun!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Today's theme: we're speed freaks...aka fast & furious!
Get ready to see the wind change right in front of you, as the energy today can shift in an instant. Be flexible, count to three and take a deep breath. Then see where the landscape could be a refreshing change of pace or a real pain in the you-know-what. Make the wiser choice and expect the unexpected. Take whatever comes with a grain of salt and see where it leads in the days ahead.
Monday, August 8, 2011
These Next Few Days Get Interesting Folks!
August 9th finds two planets with unpredictable natures in contact with each other, so anything goes on this day! Be flexible and have a Plan A and a Plan B so that time and/or energy is not lost. The USA finds the issue of money being activated, and the next few days are likely to see some swings in the financial markets.
A day later (August 10th) Mars joins forces with Pluto, which is sure to add a sense of urgency and pressure to address a possible crisis of sorts. Earth related incidents are worth noting, as would an accident of huge proportions.
August 17th Mars crosses the Solar Eclipse degree of July 1st and for those with a 7-12 degree Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and/or Libra sensitive point this date could be a "trigger" point to activating the Eclipse. The USA has such a point (the Sun) and is potentially under the gun in terms of an event.
Astrologically speaking, these few days in mid August stand out among the entire year. Heat is associated with all three planets so expect to see "heat" being expressed in many forms...and at this time of year storms are another possibility.
A day later (August 10th) Mars joins forces with Pluto, which is sure to add a sense of urgency and pressure to address a possible crisis of sorts. Earth related incidents are worth noting, as would an accident of huge proportions.
August 17th Mars crosses the Solar Eclipse degree of July 1st and for those with a 7-12 degree Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and/or Libra sensitive point this date could be a "trigger" point to activating the Eclipse. The USA has such a point (the Sun) and is potentially under the gun in terms of an event.
Astrologically speaking, these few days in mid August stand out among the entire year. Heat is associated with all three planets so expect to see "heat" being expressed in many forms...and at this time of year storms are another possibility.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Is your future at risk??
The current retrograde of Mercury opposing Neptune hit a high this past week with the stock market going down, and the impending threat this poses to our national credit score. But is this really what's going on, or are we being duped?? With Pluto in Capricorn since 2008 our government has been taken over by big business, and to think that banks and the like are not controlling the strings in Washington is akin to having our heads in the sand. The stock market itself is controlled by what happens in Washington, and of course this is where our "supposed" leaders are scrambling to fix to the current crisis...AND according to big businesses agenda. So, expect to pay more and get less in the months and years ahead. Can this be averted? Rome (the USA) is about to fall again (by 2024) OR we are going to have a complete and total reversal in our government, and you can call it a third party or whatever you like.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Will the stock market ralley today?
Indications suggest yes, as the Sun moves into the house of money for the USA and the Moon creates "flowing" positive links elsewhere. Mars will also link up with Venus (money) and although this does not promise to correct stressed markets overnight it does suggest better news by the end of the day. The broader landscape for the USA finds heavy duty planets in effect for months to come, so today's energy won't last long.
It's a Venus-Jupiter Day...How Sweet It Is
What a splendid pair of planets, and if controlled and not allowed to go to excess, it could make today one of our better days. Socializing and having fun motivate us towards doing what feels good, however it could also tempt our urge to spend. Money themes could be lavish, or they could be over the top in terms of what we actually have to spend. The Moon also plays a part by forming what is called a fixed cross as the day ends. Money, money, money. Is there ever enough?
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Will Barack Obama Be Re-Elected in 2012?
Before answering this question, I want to assert my thoughts regarding any opinion I am asked to submit. My answers are always based solely on astrological indications and not personal preference. For the record, I have been an Independent my entire adult life and I have always seen a need for political reform. That day inches closer with every passing year, and it will take place when the USA has its Pluto return (2022). Keep in mind that this will not happen in one giant step, however more likely over a period of time that builds and builds.
I was asked the question as to whether or not Barack Obama will be re-elected, and with the election taking place on November 6th 2012, the indications appear favorable for him. The transiting Moon will be in Leo on this day and this bodes well for him, although another candidate with the Sun in Leo could also win. There are many other astrological factors that could be considered, however only one will be presented for now: his progressed Sun is applying to an exact trine to his natal Moon.This signals an opportunity for him to shine, doing what he does best through his command of the English language. He's gonna have a lot to talk about, and it favors his agenda.
I was asked the question as to whether or not Barack Obama will be re-elected, and with the election taking place on November 6th 2012, the indications appear favorable for him. The transiting Moon will be in Leo on this day and this bodes well for him, although another candidate with the Sun in Leo could also win. There are many other astrological factors that could be considered, however only one will be presented for now: his progressed Sun is applying to an exact trine to his natal Moon.This signals an opportunity for him to shine, doing what he does best through his command of the English language. He's gonna have a lot to talk about, and it favors his agenda.
Happy Birthday President Barack Obama!
President Obama's birthday chart finds the Sun and Saturn in alignment with one another, as well as Mars and Mercury, and in both cases the alignment is considered positive and supportive. This suggests that he will have a year of building on success (Saturn) that reflects upon him (Sun) positively, through his ability to lead (Mars) others using his communication skills (Mercury). Among the major transits he is experiencing is the planet Uranus sextiling his natal Moon, and this suggests he is forging ahead into new ventures and solutions that provide him with a sense of personal security. Uranus also trines his natal Mercury, which amps up his already well established verbal skills to a new level...his mind will be active and sharp throughout the year. And if that's not enough, he also has Venus (pleasing) linked to Jupiter (improvement) and this is sure to make this a birthday year to remember. In fact, this could be one of the most important birthdays he has had in a long time, which is saying something considering he just got elected a mere three years ago.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Mars Enters Cancer Today
The next 46 days will find Mars activating a sign that is sensitive, emotional, nurturing and sentimental and our actions could be based on how we feel rather than logic and reason. Issues connected to family, home and housing will take center stage, and by mid month Mars will activate the Solar Eclipse of July 1st. Along the way it will also create tense contacts to the planets Uranus (Aug 9th), Pluto (Aug 10th) and Saturn (Aug 25th) and this makes August a month to remember for many reasons. First, Mars itself is dynamic and dramatic and moves at the speed of a tornado, and anything it touches gets a blast of heat. Uranus and Pluto are "outer" planets and they affect everybody in the sense that they are collective energies. Uranus is radical and spontaneous (which is sure to give Mars a run for its money!) and Pluto is so intense that it creates epic sized sweeping events.The contact to Saturn brings a sobering influence, bordering on worrisome and probably requires that hard decisions will have to be made. August 10th and 24th stand out as the transiting Moon enters the picture and will trigger these points by producing a cardinal cross. This guarantees that fireworks lie ahead, possibly in the form of heat (droughts, fires) or conflict (attacks, accidents).
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Mercury Turns Retrograde...Time To Review & Revise
Retrogrades are akin to reversals, and with this in mind we want to avoid assuming we know all the facts when in fact we might not. As the next three weeks pass, take time to consider your current "game plan" and do your homework and research; save acting on what you discover until August 27th or thereafter. The signs of Virgo and Leo are being activated, and these signs are likely to be the most affected. Everyone will be affected to the extent that Mercury will be opposing Neptune at different points in the coming weeks, and this presents opportunity for heightened creativity and being more inspired. On the down side we could be drawn into "poor me" scenarios and playing the "rescue game". However experience usually finds that rescuers always become victims so choose wisely. Activities that stimulate the mind are helpful for activities like reading and writing, or through healing modalities that address the spirit as well as the mind and body.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Leo New Moon 2011
This is the time of the year to focus on love and creativity, and by doing so we can find new passion and meaning to life and our everyday activities. Complimenting this idea is the planet Venus, which sits ever so close by radiating her beautiful rays with intensity and radiance. This supplies us with more charm and grace, and as the saying goes “you get more with honey than you do vinegar”.
Washington DC finds Scorpio rising with the New Moon in the 9th house of foreign lands, politics and legal matters. Scorpio speaks of money, which in light of the recent debt limit issue, seems hardly surprising. However, it also speaks to collusion, secrecy and manipulation and we should be wary of what we are told. This is especially true because Mercury, the messenger, is also retrograde and opposing the planet Neptune (illusions). Decisions made now are likely to fall apart later, or not manifest in the manner we are led to believe.
The New Moon itself activates the USA’s North Node are we are being given a chance to sow our karmic destiny for the next nineteen years…and hopefully we will choose the wiser path or risk taking a fall and repeating this pattern again. This idea is further supported by the planet Saturn, and for the USA it means the Saturn return which takes place on August 27th. More on this at a later date, however for now understand that a Saturn return occurs once every 28 years; this marks yet another karmic time to sow our destiny. Oddly enough, there are but two indications for this kind of opportunity (sowing one’s karmic destiny) and for the USA they take place in the same month!
August 22nd finds Mars activating the USA’s Sun, and this marks a time for potential conflict. It also highlights a masculine figure; watch headlines at this time. Mars starts to activate a number of sensitive points beginning August 9th through the end of the month; this has the potential to make August the month to watch for this year! August 25th deserves special mention as the Moon triggers off Mars and the USA’s Sun.
The planetary lines for the New Moon run right through the middle of the country, dividing it in half almost exactly (the symbolism of this speaks to the political climate).This suggests a region of the country that could be most affected by this New Moon. Interestingly Neptune and Mercury run exactly over Washington DC, suggesting what we are told is an illusion to what is real. Other considerations could be a scandal that reveals a secret, in which case there will be much to talk about.
Leo Sun Signs 2011
Leo: Happy Birthday! With Venus in your inner circle you are sure to enjoy this year, looking and feeling pretty darn good! Relationships are favored, whether you are single or not. Watch for financial oversights and avoid impulsive spending. News from a friend may not be what you first think, so keep an open mind. Social opportunities could open new doors to making more money. Career wise things are shaping up for the better.
Virgo: This is a time for reflecting and introspection, which may assist creative abilities that could impact business. Mercury, your ruler, is in reverse mode and asks that you research and investigate rather than act. It’s time to consider your body and what you can do to look and feel better. The time has come for spiritual renewal, so find a way to bring it back into your life, or infuse new life into rituals that inspire.
Libra: The focus is on friendships and social obligations, and even though you may want to escape into your world of books, daily demands zap your energy. Business matters will soon pick up; however pressure is mounting in the area of finance. Someone else is crucial to many of the decisions you face, although ideally you should wait until the end of the month before finalizing anything.
Scorpio: Business matters are in focus and this is the month you turn a corner. Even so, be aware of making decisions until next month. Partnerships are highlighted, which can be personal or business in nature. Although you would prefer to act alone, you may have to balance things through compromise and cooperation. “Things they are a changing” in regards to work and health, so explore new diets, etc and/or ways of working that are outside your normal way of doing things.
Sagittarius: Are distant skies beckoning you? If so it’s probably because you have the opportunity to make more money and boy does that sound good! As a consequence you are in a better frame of mind, however avoid making decisions connected to business until Mercury resumes course. Health wise there should be signs of improvement, or a release from lingering problems. Relatives and/or siblings are also highlighted this cycle.
Aquarius: This is the month for “others” to take the spotlight, business or personal. Your ruling planet has seen you off in distant horizons (and for some time) and this has its pros and cons. Although home and family matters continue to improve, business and money matters require as much from you, leaving you to feel stretched to the limit. Communication is the theme for years to come, and so is an attitude adjustment. You may discover you really don’t know it all!
Pisces: This is your “wobble” month, and this usually signals a change to your routines. Focus on health and work this cycle and you could make more progress than you might think, potentially affecting you for many months to come. Don’t be tempted to play “poor me” or allow someone else’s misfortune to bring you down as things are not as they appear (at the moment). Mercury governs “others” and is currently in reverse course, making them less reliable than normal.
Aries: Your personal life is in focus, and matters connected to home and family are brought to the forefront. Although you crave dynamic change now, the truth is that “others” are in charge of what happens, and you in turn must accommodate their needs. This is enough to make a grown man cry says Aries, however it could be that you are not allowing yourself to have fun. Find something this month that is fun, and while you are at it find someone to kiss.
Taurus: Thinking of moving this year? You could entertain the thought this month, or find yourself pre-occupied with home/housing issues. Life would be so much more fun if you could stay at home and relax, and although you might just do that you are also required to deal with the issue of money. So what’s new? Not to worry though, as next cycle things get even better.
Gemini: This month puts emphasis on communication and decision making, however wait until the end of the month before making them when Mercury resumes forward motion. You could be driving around more than usual, perhaps having car issues to consider. Words are powerful as only you know so use this month to express your inner Hemmingway; you might be surprised by what you are capable of achieving.
Cancer: Get ready for a blast of energy, as things are about to pick up considerably. And heaven help anyone that tries to get in your way, as you are not about to be side-tracked! Money and finances are on your mind, perhaps motivating you to take action in terms of addressing this issue. This could lead to changes at work or changes in the budget, and either way you are sure to see progress AFTER Mercury turns direct.
Pluto and Venus Join The Party With The Sun and Jupiter...How Big Is Big?
The masculine planet (the Sun) highlights authority figures and the legal/political planet (Jupiter) highlights the idea of HUGE, and this is expected to be a part of what is taking place in Washington today as the debt issue gets resolved. This idea is further supported by the addition of Venus & Pluto, which both govern the issue of money...yours and mine. Power struggles could emerge with all parties wanting to appear victorious, and yet somehow everyone seems to get their wish. Feelings could run deep, for good or bad (jealousy), but take time to acknowledge them as real. Then say what needs to be said.
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