Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is your future at risk??

The current retrograde of Mercury opposing Neptune hit a high this past week with the stock market going down, and the impending threat this poses to our national credit score. But is this really what's going on, or are we being duped?? With Pluto in Capricorn since 2008 our government has been taken over by big business, and to think that banks and the like are not controlling the strings in Washington is akin to having our heads in the sand. The stock market itself is controlled by what happens in Washington, and of course this is where our "supposed" leaders are scrambling to fix to the current crisis...AND according to big businesses agenda. So, expect to pay more and get less in the months and years ahead. Can this be averted? Rome (the USA) is about to fall again (by 2024) OR we are going to have a complete and total reversal in our government, and you can call it a third party or whatever you like.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joann,

    A grim prospect. I just put a link to your website on my Facebook page.


