Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy Birthday President Barack Obama!

President Obama's birthday chart finds the Sun and Saturn in alignment with one another, as well as Mars and Mercury, and in both cases the alignment is considered positive and supportive. This suggests that he will have a year of building on success (Saturn) that reflects upon him (Sun) positively, through his ability to lead (Mars) others using his communication skills (Mercury). Among the major transits he is experiencing is the planet Uranus sextiling his natal Moon, and this suggests he is forging ahead into new ventures and solutions that provide him with a sense of personal security. Uranus also trines his natal Mercury, which amps up his already well established verbal skills to a new level...his mind will be active and sharp throughout the year. And if that's not enough, he also has Venus (pleasing) linked to Jupiter (improvement) and this is sure to make this a birthday year to remember. In fact, this could be one of the most important birthdays he has had in a long time, which is saying something considering he just got elected a mere three years ago.


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